Conflict of Interest Policy  

The Department has updated the Conflict of Interest Policy (COI) to assist staff in complying with their obligations. While the core policy remains largely unchanged, there has been significant progress in enhancing supporting guidance and improving the COI declaration system in eduPay.

The revised policy updates include:  

  • an emphasis on the primary obligation to avoid COIs, if possible to do so
  • details of the main private interests that could represent a COI  
  • introduction of ‘declarations of no conflict’ for other employment applications 
  • new obligations and policy requirements relating to Declarations of Private Interests, including managerial oversight
  • supporting guidance which will support stronger COI declaration and management plans.

The Department will also be releasing a revised COI declaration form in eduPay, which will better assist in making high-quality COI declaration.  


Conduct and Integrity Division will be providing training and support in Term 2, to help schools learn more about the refreshed COI policy and meet their obligations. For more information and to express interest in the training please visit the School Update released this week.