Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Miss Stephan, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

Special help from Mr Reid, Mrs Harrison and Miss Linda.

3/4 Literacy Block

We have been trialling a new way of doing phonics and our daily review. We have been learning about suffixes including -ing, -ed, -es, -est, -er and -ion. We have also been learning about the grammar rules we need to know when using these suffixes, and also the FLOSS rule. We have been having lots of fun trying out a new way of reading and writing words, and doing sentence dictation. It has been wonderful seeing students use these concepts in their writing. 

Bike Ed

We have been doing Bike Ed for the last two weeks, and having a blast! It has been so lovely to see everyone having fun, and becoming more confident riders. We have lots of students who have been showing our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Safety, and also showing kindness to their classmates: stopping to help someone who has fallen, helping to fix broken chains, checking in on less confident riders, and offering each other encouragement. We are all looking forward to Friday, when we will be having a celebration of all our hard work by having a ride around the lake. 


Congratulations to Camille and Tempy in 3/4B, _