From the Principal

Mrs Tameeka Rush

Term 4 Important Dates

Friday 24th November - 2024 Prep Transition 8.45am till 11.00am

Friday 1st December - Curriculum Day - STUDENTS NOT REQUIRED AT SCHOOL

Monday 11th December - 2024 Prep Parent Information Session

Tuesday 12th December - Statewide Transition Day

Wednesday 13th December - End of Year Concert and Year 6 Awards Night

Monday 18th December - School Reports uploaded to XUNO

Tuesday 19th December - Grade 6 assembly and graduation

Tuesday 19th December - Last day for all students 3.20pm finish

Wednesday 20th December - Staff Professional Learning Day - STUDENTS NOT REQUIRED AT SCHOOL.

Happy Birthday

We would like to wish the following students a happy birthday. These students will celebrate their birthday over the next 2 weeks.

Ruby - 1/2B

Mason - 3/4A

Rory - PrepA

Heath - 3/4B


From the Principal

The year is quickly coming to an end, with only 4 weeks to go. Bike Ed has been in full swing this week, with the students in Years 3 to 6 enjoying their daily skills and endurance sessions. 


Since the last newsletter we have had our Grade 2 Sleep In and our 5/6 Lorne Camp. Both these camps were a great success and created wonderful memories for the students. Many thanks to Mrs McBride, Miss Sully and Mark Glenton for their work and assistance with the Grade 2 Sleep in, as well as Mr Ward, Mr Watts, Mrs Belden, Mr Reid, Andrew Smith and Sharnie Probert for another amazing 5/6 Camp.


All teachers have commenced their end-of-year assessments. These results will be used to establish end-of-year grades for the student's school reports. Reports will be uploaded to XUNO on Monday 18th December for all parents to read and download.


Class considerations for 2024 are at the front of our thoughts at the moment. I would like to reiterate with parents that we do not take requests for teachers, however, social/emotional friendship needs are considered (not guaranteed). These requests must be put in writing and emailed directly to me at


Information regarding class concert items will be distributed shortly. The theme for this year's concert is "Australia". Each class will perform on stage for around 4 minutes each. 


Lastly, a huge thankyou to the families who made donations and were able to assist in the canteen on Show Day.  Your support is greatly appreciated.