Year 6 - Learning Through Lunch


The Grade 6’s recently had the privilege of attending ‘Learning Through Lunch" event at SuniTAFE, which was facilitated by Ardoch.


Learning Through Lunch involves students attending a two-course fine dining lunch with volunteers and encourages them to talk over the meal about career pathways and what they might want to be when they're older. 


The students also had a chance to tour SuniTAFE's training facility and participated in some trivia activities about what they learnt on the tour for a chance to win some fantastic prizes!

We would like to thank Ardoch and SuniTAFE for organising the event and thank you to the teachers for assisting on the day.

Quotes from the kids!

Kye P - “very inspiring for my future life.”

Oscar B “I was surprised to see 3D printing, engineering and nursing. It was way more than I expected”.

Gypsy A - “When I arrived, I was surprised to see nursing and childcare. I had a lot of fun. I felt encouraged to try nursing.”