Acting Principal's Message

Melbourne Cup Day

On Tuesday 7th November is Melbourne Cup day, this is a public holiday and students are not required at school.


Curriculum Day

On Friday 17th November we will be having a Curriculum day, teachers will focusing on assessments in preparation for your child's school report.


Student Class Placement for 2024

In the last newsletter, I shared information about student class placement requests.  It's now the opportunity for parents to email me about any concerns they have about their child’s class placement for the following year. Parents may have concerns about their child’s social, emotional, or educational needs that they would like to be taken into consideration by school leadership as we form the class groups. I have allocated a three-week period for this beginning on Friday, 20 October and concluding on Friday, 10 November.  Any previous concerns have been shredded, therefore a new request must be put in writing to me :



On Wednesday 25th October we celebrated our Year 6 Exhibition in the Senior Learning Centre. It was wonderful to see the whole school community gather and support our exceptional year 6 students.

This process began in term 2 where the students chose a passion to further explore and take significant action. From there the students formed small groups relating to their passion and constructed their own inquiry by creating central ideas and lines of inquiry to research. As part of their inquiry cycle they expressed their findings through a creative and written informative piece showcasing their approaches to learning skills (research, thinking, social, communication and self-management).

I had the privilege, along with other staff members, to mentor a group of students. See the picture below of my group, who focused on issues around Mental Health through the transdisciplinary theme of Who We Are (WWA) with a  Central Idea: Lifestyle choices affect Health and Wellbeing.

All this hard work came together on the night where students confidently and passionately shared their knowledge with their parents and many other members of our school community.  


Leaving Mount View PS

If you child is leaving Mount View PS  and is not returning in 2024,  could you please contact Additionally, could you please let the school/classroom teacher know, as soon as possible, if your child(ren) are leaving early before the end of the school year (prior to Wednesday 20th December, last day of school).


Child Road Safety

A reminder to our school community on the importance of child road safety. The particular issues arising are with parents and children crossing the road without using the supervised school crossing. The school crossing is a safe way for our school community to cross roads, particularly Shepherd and Gallagher's road. Let's work together as a community and model safe behaviours to our students.


Bianca Gatherum

Acting Principal