Level 3

Level 3
What a crazy couple of weeks it has been so far in Level 3! We’ve been madly practising for production. 3TM and 3MW have also been practising for a special Friday assembly performance in Week 4. All parents are invited to come and watch our performance on Friday 27th October.
Upcoming Events:
*Swimming - please make sure that your child comes to school dressed in their bathers (underneath their school uniform). They will need to bring a towel, goggles and spare dry clothes in a labelled bag every day next week.
*Excursion to the shops - 3TM are still looking for some parent helpers to help with our walking excursion to Heathmont shops on Wednesday 22nd November at 11:30am. Please see Compass for more details.
In Literacy this week we are learning about different types of figurative language such as onomatopoeia, alliteration and similes. We will be discussing how authors use figurative language to make their writing more interesting. We will then use this information to help us to write more interesting narratives.
In Maths we are learning about time, especially reading analogue clocks and solving time problems. It’s really important when learning to read analogue clocks that children are given regular opportunities to practise reading them. If you have an analogue clock in your house it would be fantastic if you could get your child to have a go at telling you the time.
We have been learning all about the countries that are in our part of the world such as Indonesia, New Zealand, Fiji, Malaysia and many more. If there are any parents that are from one of our neighbouring countries, we’d love to have some class visitors to share their culture with us. Please speak to your child’s teacher to organise.
Here are some photos of what we have been up to: