
Level Foundation
In Foundation FTD…..
In Literacy, students are learning about reading with fluency, practising reading with expression and proper pacing, and using different reading strategies. For example in the photos below:
- Students choose a sentence and a voice card to read.
- The students wrote and illustrated their version of the ‘Dear Zoo’ book and shared it with their peers.
- Students continue to practise letter formations in their handwriting books.
In Numeracy, the students are learning about the duration of time, events and calendars. Illustrated below:
- The students learned how to read the clock focusing on the hour, minutes and seconds hands and played ‘Guess the time’.
- The students learn about the passage of time as they balance and count.
- The students play ‘What’s the time Mr. Wolf?’.
- The students created their own time span of their day and shared it with their peers.
The foundation students were thrilled as the Fire Ed (Fire Rescue Victoria) visited and taught us about good and bad fire, crawling in smoke, safe meeting places and to call 000 when in an emergency. The students worked on their laptops as they enhance their digital technology skills with their buddies. The students enjoyed the bus ride to the theatre and performing on the stage.