Level 5

Level 5
Welcome to Term Four!!!! What a wonderful start to the term we have had!! There is so much to look forward to with production, swimming, camp, leadership speeches and our market day approaching. What a triumph production was!!! It was spectacular to see the students grow in confidence, respect, teamwork and resilience throughout this process.
In Reading this term we are focusing on different strategies to help deepen comprehension and understanding. We have been synthesising, summarising, predicting and looking at cause and effect in different texts.
In Writing we have revised then revisited the art of persuasive writing. This time around we have been trying to level up our writing by including multiple persuasive techniques, convincing arguments, emotive language and consistent structure.
In Maths we have been exploring financial planning, money, percentages and discounts. The students have been using real life scenarios to show their knowledge and understanding. We have been focused on the key words justifying and reasoning as well as open ended questions inspired by Peter Sullivan.
Inquiry has seen us understand needs and wants in life. We have delved into household budgeting, excel spreadsheets, profit, loss and managing money. It has been quite eye opening!
Friendology has been a helpful tool when friendship fires arise at times. Learning about tricky situations and how to deal with them in a mature way has lead to some rich learning conversations and new strategies.
Overall, we are so impressed by the kindness and behaviour shown by the level fives. They consistently show the HEPS values and are a special group. Let’s keep up the wonderful work!!!