Level 4

Level 4
It has been a wonderful start to what promises to be a very exciting term.
Our students have already participated in a great Inquiry Stop Motion Incursion as well as the Whole School ‘Zoom’ Production. What a start!!
Get out the goggles, bathers and towels because next week will be a big week of swimming. We look forward to seeing our students develop and grow their skills in the pool.
Inquiry ‘Stop Motion’ Incursion
We were very lucky to have Claudio from ‘Stop Motion Animation’ spend the day with our students. It was an action-packed session that saw our students engage with technology, and each other, in a really fun and creative way.
Our students created clay characters and developed a setting and storyline that was then filmed in stop motion and presented to the group. It is always fun to see our students experiencing these great opportunities together.
Production ‘Zoom’
Wow! What an awesome experience for our students. Thankyou to all families who have been so supportive of our students. I am sure you would agree that our students did a great job.
Persuasive Writing
Our students have been focusing on persuasive writing and it is great to see them working hard with the structure, interesting arguments and evidence as well as writing devices such as modality words (certain, impossible), exaggeration, personal pronouns and facts. Please enjoy a few of our writing samples.
Lucy and Isobel- Pyjamas as school uniform
It is clear that pyjamas should be the school uniform.
Firstly, pyjamas are comfy because they are made out of a material that is snug and meant to be comfy, much better than the stiff materials we wear now.
Also, when you wake up in the mornings, you would not have to get changed so you eat your breakfast and are not as rushed to get to school.
Finally, pyjamas should be the uniform because they would help to keep students calm.
So as you can agree, pyjamas should be the school uniform because they are comfy, you don’t need to get changed in the mornings and they keep you calm.
Pyjamas should be worn as the school uniform.
Olivia- Winter is the best
I think Winter is better than Summer and here are some reasons why.
Firstly, Summer is warmer than Winter so you are more likely to get sunburn and heatstroke, whereas in Winter you avoid all heat related incidents.
Additionally, in Winter you get to watch the thunderstorms and see the rainfall.
Finally, in Winter you are inside for longer and you can spend more time with your family playing games and watching movies.
You should think Winter is better than Summer because you don’t get burnt, you spend more time with family and you can watch thunderstorms.
James and Jack- Phones should be banned at school
Surely everyone should have their phones banned at school.
Firstly mobile phones should be banned from school because they are a distraction. They could ring and would distract people from doing their work.
Additionally, mobile phones should be banned because people on the phones are not communicating with each other because they are stuck to their phones!
All phones should be banned at school because you could focus better on your work and others around you.
Surely you now agree that phones should be banned at school.