Childhood and Adolescent Immunisation Catch-Ups

Secondary school immunisations are provided to students to reduce their risk of contracting preventable diseases and some cancers. Health advice regarding immunisations recommends students receive the following:

Year 7

  • Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine (one dose)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (one dose).

Year 10

  • Meningococcal A, C, W, Y vaccine (one dose).

There are a number of students in years 7 to 12 who may have missed these important vaccines. This puts students at an increased risk of illness. 


If your child missed out on their school-based vaccinations, please speak to your GP or local council immunisation service about how they can catch up. 


To check if your child is due for any vaccines, refer to their immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register, using your MyGov account. If your child is aged over 14, they may need to access their immunisation history statement themselves, through their own MyGov account or the Medicare mobile app.


Barwon Health community nurses run immunisation clinics across Greater Geelong and the Golden Plains Shire. Bookings are required for all immunisation clinics except Golden Plains Shire. Details on the walk-in Golden Plains sessions are noted below.


To attend Belmont, Corio or Ocean Grove book an appointment in one of our many clinics using the Victorian Department of Health Central Immunisation Record (CIRV) portal. Please note this is a new system from March 2023, if you have an account set up before March 2023 you will need to create a new account.


To book an appointment for yourself or your family, you will need to sign up to use the portal.Before signing up, make sure you have:

- Email address- Access to the email account- Medicare card (if you have one)

Click here to access the immunisation booking online instructions.

How to make an online booking for childhood, adolescent and adult vaccines

- Register for an account on the CIRV platform using Google Chrome (first time users only)- Select 'Greater Geelong City Council'- Select Venue for vaccines – Belmont, Corio or Ocean Grove.


Please ensure for COVID bookings you select – COVID BARWON HEALTH.

For best results open this booking link in google chrome.

If you have trouble booking online please call 03 4215 6963, option 9

New HPV vaccination resources to assist young people with disability 


Young people with disability should have the same access to preventive healthcare and immunisations as everyone else. Vaccinations can be stressful, and there are sometimes unique barriers for people with disability. 


Cancer Council Victoria, in consultation with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Scope Australia, has developed the following resources for parents and carers to improve the vaccination experience for young people with disability: