Italian Class 

 Language Domain-PLC Leader News 

Italian Pasta Making Classes

Year 8 and 9 students dove into the heart of Italian cuisine through pasta and Gnocchi making classes. Flour-dusted tables became their canvases as they kneaded and shaped pasta dough with skilful hands. Under the guidance of experienced teachers, they explored the nuances of crafting diverse pasta types. Laughter echoed in the kitchen as they shared stories while waiting for their creations to boil, connecting over a shared love for the art of Italian cooking. These classes not only honed their culinary abilities but also instilled in them a deep appreciation for Italy's rich gastronomic heritage.


(Image Bellow) 

Cooking up a storm with master chefs Mr Ridolfi, Ms Rossini and the chef apprentices the Year 9 Italian class

Our new facilities were certainly put in use by our language classes busy making home-made pasta. Bellow are the images from Ms Gasbarro's Year 8 Italian class. 

Maria Gasbarro

Careers and Vocational Education Coordinator

Italian/Humanities Teacher