Student Wellbeing

Conflict and War

In our world today, sadly there are many conflict and war situations which dominate the headlines, news bulletins and social media.  Whilst we can protect our families by monitoring TV viewing, often the advertisements for upcoming news bulletins can be frightening or confusing.  There is a possibility that some videos of the current situation in Gaza and Israel, including footage of hostages, are being uploaded to common social media sites such as TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.  This is a timely reminder to speak to your children about safe social media use and to reiterate cyber safety messages. Remember, always be in view when your child is connected to the internet.  Remind children if they do see disturbing images or reports, shut down the device and talk to a trusted adult. 

You may find the following tips from UNICEF helpful in conversations around conflict and war.  

How to talk to your children about conflict and war | UNICEF Parenting


Safety Day  Friday 27th October  

Wear a touch of red

As part of your child's social-emotional learning, our school will once again be participating in Safety Day.  This event is Australia’s largest national day of action to raise awareness of child safety, protection, and prevention. It is held on the last Friday of October every year.  All students are encouraged to wear a touch of red on this day (e.g. ribbon, socks, badge, headband).  


All year levels will participate in a targeted lesson addressing safety strategies.  We encourage your support at home with reminders of how to contact Triple Zero in case of emergency and enlisting support of a trusted adult when needed.   There are many conversations around safety we need to regularly visit with all of our children.


This year all students will be focusing on their recall of a phone number of a trusted adult, knowing their address and the use of Triple Zero


A new example of a conversation starter around safety is:



Lisa Canty

Student Wellbeing Leader