News of the Week

Dear Parents/Carers,
Winners of our Short Story Competition
Interview with Emily D (1/2E)
How did you come up with the ideas for your story?
The easiest part of the story was coming up with the idea because I like playing with magical toys.
What was the easiest part of writing the story?
The easiest part of the story was coming up with the idea for the story.
What was the most challenging part of your story?
The hardest part of completing the story was drawing the pictures.
Interview with Viola M
How did you come up with the theme for your poem?
My poem was about emotions. I got the idea when I felt upset and decided to put my work onto paper.
What was the easiest part of writing the poem?
The easiest part is that it was quick to write and I was able to get my message across.
What was the most challenging part of your poem
The hardest was giving the poem to the school because it was very personal. It took a lot of courage to enter the poem. I also enjoy writing lyrics as well as poetry.
Winners of the Golden Bin Award
The Golden Bin Award was celebrated at last week’s assembly. The classes that collected the most pens, pencils and textas, batteries & clear plastic bags to recycle responsibly won.
First Place 1/2 E - Collected 444 items
Second Place 1S - Collected 352 items
Third Place 1/2Y - Collected 229 items
Well done everyone!
St Brigid’s Playtime Expectations
5H - To make the rules fair on the playground and so it will keep everyone protected and happy and keep the games running with no complication and to let students have an enjoyable playtime without fights. We also made this book so we have no arguments at playtime.
See link below to see our Playtime Expectations Book:
Rugby Gala Day
Tom - I enjoyed rugby gala day because I got to spend time with my besties. There were three teams: a mixed team, boys team and girls team and I got chosen to be in the boys team. We were playing tag rugby where we had to pull tags from the opponents waist. There were about 7 schools and we played 3 games.
Ruby - We travelled to rugby on a bus and the three teams played 3-4 games each, the girls team won 2 games, the boys team sadly lost their games and the mixed team drew one game and lost the others. The experience was fun and enjoyable, one thing that I would change about it is playing more games.
Concert - Brick to the Future
We are having so much fun practising for our Concert. We can't wait to perform in front of all our family and friends next week. Don't forget to buy your tickets. Here is the link to CDFpay. Don't forget the limit at this stage is 5 tickets per family.
Prayers in Pyjamas
What a wonderful experience our Foundation children had last night at the Prayers in PJs night! They learnt about different prayers, made a family candle, a prayer cube and mat and fished with a song. Thank you to the foundation students and parents who attended it was such a fun night!
John - I made a candle decorated with hearts, we also sang and prayed in the hall while also wearing pyjamas. I was wearing one of my favourite pairs of pyjamas, my star wars pyjamas.
Harper - At the prayers in pyjamas we prayed while wearing our pyjamas, we made a candle and a paper dice, we also sang a song, I had a very fun time with my friends.
Running Club
This week we ran:
- 236 Laps
- Km Run = 11.8
- Total Km RUN = 209KM
We are still on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy passing. We are passing Reef Hill State Park on Hume Freeway.
Mini Fete
What fun time we had this afternoon at our Mini Fete. There were lots of different things to buy and games to play. Well done to the Arts and Culture Group for organising such a great event. We can't wait to see how much money we have raised for our new playground.
Thank you from the Sports Leaders
Samuel A, Levi R, Xavier T, Tabitha C, Maria H and Isla P