Mr. Barclay's Bulletin

A message from the school Principal. 

Hello NPS families!


In having a brief chat yesterday morning with one of our parents we were both marveling, or it could very well have been shock and horror, at just how quickly this term is going. We are now at the end of week 5, our swimming program has finished, teachers are in full report writing mode and not long before we know it, we will be singing the praises of our year 6s and seeing them off to secondary school!  


A reminder to our school community that we have a pupil-free day coming up on 

Monday 6th November - Assessment and Reporting Curriculum Day 


Flagpole Ceremony

On Tuesday, we hoisted for the first time, 4 new flags on our newly installed flagpoles. We now have 5 flagpoles in total at the front of the school, enabling us to proudly fly the Australian, Victorian, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and Progressive Pride flags. 

I would like to acknowledge and thank Simon Flowers and LBW Business and Wealth Advisors for the sponsorship of the purchase of the additional flagpoles, making this project a reality, and the members of our school community who attended the ceremony.


I am unsure of any other schools, in Geelong or elsewhere for that matter, that have a willingness and desire to display all of these flags in recognition of what we largely stand for as a school and community. We, like most schools have students from a diverse range of cultures, backgrounds, religions, and more, and in line with our Inclusive Education practices, we are VERY PROUD to be displaying these flags. 

A little bit about LBW Business and Wealth Advisors -  

LBW are leading business advisor that supports the ongoing growth of local organisations, large and small, and has been doing so for over 30 years.  We are committed to elevating businesses and providing them with the compliance and advisory support they need to face any challenge and prosper.

The success of the incredible businesses and individuals we work with is how we measure our own.  Developing a deep understanding of every client is at the core of our service offering, which includes; tax advice, business advisory, audit, valuation services, estate planning, superannuation, and financial planning.

We partner with businesses whose values align directly with LBW’s. Innovative, accountable, respectful, curious, with a learning mindset to continually improve. 

LBW is passionate about working together with the community and businesses to support them to achieve their business goals – to grow and succeed.


As mentioned, our swimming program has now finished and I want to commend ALL students (and families) for their particiation in this program, it is such a great experience. The feedback we have received from The Geelong College has been exceptional in the way in which our students have been respectful and willing to learn and listen when in the water. 


With one major event down, another one pops up and that is our Annual Art Show. This is always a great evening and I encourage as many families to attend as possible - especially seeing it is forecast to be 31 degrees!  We are also still in need of families to assist us in the running of the event. We mainly need help with the following areas:

  • Canteen between 5pm and 6pm
  • Set up anytime from 11:30am - 3pm  
  • Face painting between 5pm and 6pm

If you can spare any time to help out please put your name down at the office, or email


Before I sign off I do have to push out yet another reminder for ALL families that our onsite staff car parks are off limits to the school community - unless;

  1. You have spoken directly to me, or,
  2. You are dropping off and picking up students from OSHC, outside of school hours (being 8.45am - 3.45pm). Woolworths side carpark only. 

NPS Car parks are not to be used by families in their vehicals OR used to access the school grounds on foot. All students, families and visitors are to access the school grounds via a pedestrian entry point. We have had another near miss with students wandering through the car park - more so before school - and with staff driving in as of a morning, we would be devastated if an accident were to occur. 


That is it from me. Thank you for taking the time to read the newsletter and I hope you ALL have a GREAT weekend. 



Corrie Barclay
