From the Deputy Principal

Jason Fay

Inclusive Education Leader 2024

It is my pleasure to announce that Natalie Whalan has been appointed to the position of Inclusive Education Leader, commencing in 2024. Natalie comes to us from Annesley Junior School. Prior to this she spent several years teaching and leading at Etonhouse International School Singapore and The Winstedt School Singapore. Before working in Singapore, Natalie held various teaching, consulting, and leadership roles here in Australia including at Mudgeeraba State Special School Queensland and at the Northern Autism School in Melbourne.


We are excited to begin working with Natalie in 2023 as we begin preparations for the 2024 school year. 

2024 Class Allocations

Over the next few weeks in INSPIRE I will be asking for any input from parents regarding 2024 class allocations. If you have any substantial information that you believe should be considered during the class allocation process for next year, please email me at

As always, we take seriously the trust you place in us as educators to make the best decisions we possibly can for all students.


World Teacher Day

World Teacher Day is an international day held annually in October to celebrate the work of teachers. Today our teachers enjoyed some beautiful messages from our children, inspiring PD with Kath Murdoch, a shared lunch experience and of course, some good coffee. We are truly, truly blessed at St Paul to have such dedicated teachers. I am inspired by them on a daily basis and feel lucky that my own children have been impacted by their passion for their work. If you get a chance this week, say thank you to a teacher! 

School Calendar 

The school calendar as we approach the end of the year is very full! If you would like to be present or volunteer during the many upcoming events please block these times out in your calendar. Some highlights that are fast approaching include…

  • Thurs-Fri 19-20 Oct: Year 3 Camp Nunyara
  • Weds-Fri Oct 24-26: Year 6 Camp Swanport
  • Weds-Fri Oct 24-26: Year 5 Camp Victor Harbour
  • Fri Nov 3: Sports Day 
  • Monday Nov 6: Book Fair begins
  • Friday Nov 10: Picnic at Pauls (after-school celebration)

The school calendar can be accessed at