

Hopefully the holiday period provided us all with valuable time to rest, recharge, and spend quality moments with our loved ones. It is an opportunity to pause the daily hustle and bustle, offering us a glimpse of the restorative power of God's grace in our lives. Now, as we return to the school routine, we can carry this sense of renewal and reinvigoration with us.


As Christians, we are reminded of God's enduring presence and His promise to sustain us in all seasons of life. In Psalm 23:1-3, we find comfort in these words: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." This passage illustrates the idea that God provides us with the rest we need, guiding us to peaceful and refreshing places, and ultimately, restoring our weary souls.


As we embark on this last term of the year, let us carry the lessons of rest and rejuvenation with us. Just as God offers us His rest, we can find moments of rest within our school days by seeking balance, setting aside time for reflection and prayer, and fostering a supportive and compassionate community.


May this final term of the year be filled with blessings, growth, and a deepening of our faith as we continue our journey together.


Submitted by Georgina Morrison