Service Learning

Back to school supplies 

Christmas  Giving

Harrison Smith, Year 7, pictured above, was the first student to bring in his donation for the 2023 Anglicare Christmas Appeal for school supplies. Harrison was proud of the various stationery items he purchased because, as he said, "I use these things at school and they help me with my learning". They included a water bottle, pens and pencils, highlighters and scissors.


Harrison was also quick to point out that he brought the items himself and his Mum "just helped me with the shopping". Thank you, Harrison - you embody the true spirit of St George's generosity. 


For more information about how to donate to the Christmas Appeal, please see this poster up around the school.

Service Learning Trip to Samoa

Following on from three very successful Service Learning trips to All Saints Anglican school in Samoa this year, the ASC is planning two trips for 2024. The first trip will be in July - see attached flyer for more information - and a second trip in September/October.

Mr Ryan McBride

Service Learning Coordinator