School Chaplain

Fr Gift Makwasha

What Gifts Do You Bring to St George's?

When joining a school there are things most parents and students consider. For example, many will ask ‘What does this school offer? What will my child gain? Does the school offer the kind of academics, arts, music, dance, and sport, that my child or children will benefit from?’ 

We usually look for things the school has done or does to distinguish itself to be the first among others. However, we should also realise that for a school to be great it is because some who went there before us contributed to making it great. So, when considering joining a school, people should also ask themselves: ‘What am I bringing to this school to make it great?’. 

This week in Chapel I challenged our students to think about using their gifts to help make St George’s a welcoming school. With the help of God Squad members Cate Williams and Stella Bain (pictured above), I used the illustration of pizza. I asked Cate and Stella about their favourite food, and they said pizza and cheeseburger respectively. They described what they liked about their pizza and cheeseburger. The common focus was on the ingredients. I challenged students to think of St George’s as a pizza that we are making and that their gifts are the ingredients that will make the pizza delicious. Our Scripture was 1 Corinthians 12 in which St. Paul tells us that God has poured a variety of gifts among us for our common good. Our young people need to be encouraged to explore their gifts, skills, and talents, and use them not just for themselves but for the benefit of all. St George’s offers a variety of platforms where these gifts can be explored and utilised to make us the best “pizza” in town.

Fr Gift Makwasha

School Chaplain