Exchange Adventures

Welcome to St George's

From Switzerland to the City 

As St George’s embarks on a new Year 10 exchange program with Cathedral College Wangaratta next year, we chat to resident Year 11 exchange student Marlene, who is currently attending St George’s from Gymnasium am Mundsterplatz secondary school in Switzerland.

The Dragon: How did your arrival to St George's come about?

Marlene: My older sister and my father were exchange students when they were 16 and, when I was 11, I went on exchange for four weeks to the Netherlands. I love travelling and I hope, as an exchange student, to boost my self-confidence, accomplish meeting new people and making new friends, to go beyond my comfort zone and to learn better English. With my family’s support, I wrote to Rotary Youth Exchange Switzerland/Liechtenstein to apply for a long-term exchange program. My exchange program has a connection with Mrs Campbell and she was able to get me enrolled in the school here. I am here until May and I am loving the experience. 


What were your first impressions of St George's - and of Perth?

My first impression was that was special to have a school in the middle of the city in an office building. I live in Basel, close to the border of France and Germany, and it is not very big – about 170,000 people. Our house is on top of a hill so that means it’s surrounded by a lot of nature. My first impression of Perth was the beaches looked really nice and the city seemed quite big to me. 


Were you nervous about leaving home for Australia?

Yes, because it is my first time so far away from home and it also meant that I would be away from my friends and family (sister Livia, brother Jaspar, Mum, Dad and Fayli the English springer spaniel) for a long time. I am happy now though to have made some friends and have become involved in lots of activities at St George's. 


What has been your favourite memory of St George's so far?

Going to Adventure World with the Physics class. I’m also really enjoying subjects such as Art and Dance that I don’t get to do at school in Switzerland.


What are some differences and similarities between your school life here and at home in Switzerland?

The biggest difference is that we don’t have uniforms in Switzerland! I am still getting used to wearing the same thing every day. Another difference is that in the Swiss school system, all students have to learn at least three languages other than their native language (German). A similarity would be that the quality of education is very high in both countries.


What are you studying?

Here at St George’s I’m studying ATAR English, Mathematics Methods, Chemistry, English, Visual Art, and APEx Marine and Maritime studies, Dance and Active for Wellbeing, and after school I’m in the Year 11 Rock Band. The subjects I was taking in Switzerland are German, French, English, Italian, Mathematics, Informatics, History, Geography, Biology, Music and Sports.


What are your career goals? I haven't settled on any plans for my future but my current ambition is being a pilot. I think that being a pilot could be fun because you would get to see the world and travel but it's still a huge responsibility.


What is your advice to students who are interested in travelling via cultural exchange?To approach the exchange without many expectations and to be very open. 


Mrs Lisa Quartermain

Community Engagement


For more information about the upcoming Beyond St George’s program for our current Year 9s visit our website All 2024 exchange applications are due by 24 November 2023.