
Mrs Leanne Schulz
Assistant Principal (Primary)
We welcomed our new Preps for 2024 last week for their first transition day at school at Aitken. It was lovely to see the excitement and engagement as our new students embraced the learning activities and settled into the classroom routine. A very warm welcome goes to all the new students and families who will be joining us next year.
Our Year 6 students enjoyed their Orientation Day this week, getting to know many of the Year 7 teachers and new students to the College and becoming familiar with some of the exciting changes to look forward to in 2024.
Mrs Natasha Radley (Head of Year Prep)
Last week the 2024 cohort of Prep students attended their first of 3 transition sessions at Aitken. It was great to see the new faces and I certainly look forward to seeing them and getting to know them better over the next few sessions. It is hard to believe that we are already at that time of year where the current Prep students are almost ready for Year 1!
The past weeks have been busy as always in Prep. A big focus has been on being kind and fair when playing. This time of year always seems to bring little problems that the students find difficult to solve themselves, so they have been working on these strategies in class with their teachers and peers. Here are some students’ ideas of how to play fair and be friendly:
Charlie C - Prep F: Share the equipment
Lionel S - Prep F: You can be fair and friendly by not popping other people’s private bubbles.
Grace R - Prep H: Ask someone, how about you play your game at snack and I play my game at lunch.
Rosie K - Prep H: How about you join your ideas together and make one big game.
Zach J - Prep H: We lined up while taking turns to share the play equipment.
Aarza R - Prep C: We need to show respect to our friends and be share our things.
Tyler R - Prep C: We should take turns and be caring to our friends.
Mr Jevon Scandrett (Head of Year 1 & 2)
It is hard to believe that we are over halfway through Term 4! There are so many exciting things to look forward to for the remainder of the year.
Year 1 Excursion to the Melbourne Zoo
On Wednesday 25 October, students in Year 1 participated in an excursion to the Melbourne Zoo. This excursion formed part of the learning in Integrated Studies during our ‘Flora and Fauna’ unit. Each class had the opportunity to take part in the ‘Wild Lab’ experience with a Zoo educator. They were also able to view the many wonderful exhibits throughout the Zoo. It was a great day, despite the inclement weather. An enormous thank you to the parent helpers for assisting with this excursion. I would also like to thank the staff for their hard work in planning and executing such a wonderful experience for the students.
Year 2 Persuasive Writing
Students in Year 2 have been working on persuasive writing. They have been using several persuasive devices such as rhetorical questions to engage and persuade the reader. Students will write persuasive letters to Mrs Schulz, proposing a ‘Matilda’ celebration day at the end of the term. Let’s hope the skills they have gained will lead to Mrs Schulz to saying ‘yes’!
Year 1 and 2 Fairview Concert
Students in Years 1 and 2 have been excitedly preparing for the Year 1 and 2 Fairview Concert on Tuesday 21 November. We encourage students to continue to practise the finale dance, using the video that was sent out to parents earlier in the year. We are looking forward to presenting a wonderful concert for you!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, your first point of contact should be your child’s homeroom teacher followed by me as the Head of Years 1 and 2.
Mr Nigel Keegan (Head of Year 5 & 6 and Acting Head of Year 3 & 4)
Mr Jamal Abou-Eid
The Year 3 students have had a wonderful term so far, engaging in a range of stimulating activities across the curriculum. Students were required to write a Science report on the ‘Chocolate Melting Experiment’, where they needed to predict whether a broken piece of chocolate would melt more quickly than a full piece of chocolate with the same mass. It was interesting to see what happened to the chocolates when they were placed out in the sun. If you’re wondering which one melted first, ask a Year 3 student who will not only tell you what happened, but also why.
In Maths, students have been experimenting with a range of objects to see which are heavier and lighter. They have used the scales to weigh the objects they have chosen. The students had heaps of fun when using the scales.
The students have also been focusing on poetry. We will continue to focus on a range of poems and features as the term continues. It is a very exciting time of year and the Year 3 students are already looking forward to the Christmas activities later this term.
Mr Scott Munro
In recent weeks, Year 4 students have been studying ‘Forces and Motion’. They have carried out a number of experiments including friction slides, gravity ‘copters and they have even designed their own parachutes. Students have been trying to find which materials work best for each test as well as how the design and shape of the material can impact results. Now they are putting all of this knowledge to the test as they design an amusement park ride where the visitors will experience thrills galore as they are exposed to a range of different forces throughout their ride.
‘City of the Future’ has been a blast! Students have been busy learning about key features of cities, and natural, human, and capital resources. Students are even planning their own cities, some of which will be built later this term! Our writing has been focused also on cities, and persuading others to live in ours. Patterns and algebra, financial mathematics and budgeting for our cities have been key mathematical concepts learnt recently. STEM continues to be lots of fun with paper engineering which has been an engaging hands-on challenge.
Pickled vegetables, tasty flat bread and delicious carrot dip have been just some of the culinary delicacies on offer in this term’s Kitchen Garden program. Students have also been tending the garden, propagating seeds, planting, and weeding. Other learning experiences for our Year 5 students this term have been the creation of Japanese lanterns using paper, chalk, paint, and ink during Visual Arts, and developing basketball skills and game play in PE.
We are learning about different poetry, and elements of poetry has been interesting and soon we will create our own masterpieces – keep your eye out for these!
Our Year 6 students had their first taste of Year 7 during Orientation Day this week. The students met new friends and new teachers, were introduced to a range of subjects, and had a glimpse of what to expect next year. It was a great day with a real mix of excitement and nervous energy, and our students did themselves proud!
Practical science experiments on reversible and irreversible change have been fun and engaging, exploring electronics using ‘Makey Makey’ during STEM has been a lot of fun. Exciting match ups in hockey during PE have brought out the competitive side of many of our students! Our Cricket Blast boys team progressed through District, Division, and onto the Regional level tournament, which is an outstanding achievement! Congratulations to the boys involved for how well they played, worked as a team, and represented our College.
Swimming Carnival Presentations
Congratulations to all the Cumberland students who received a swimming award. Thank you to everyone once again for such a successful carnival.
World Kindness Day
Year 6 School Captains
Akshaj M and Mia P
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - AESOP
World Kindness Day is an annual event that is celebrated around the world on Monday 13 November 2023. This event encourages individuals to practise kindness in their daily lives. It focuses on the importance of compassion, understanding and encouragement to create a more friendly and caring world. It's a day dedicated to promoting and celebrating good acts within our communities and building positive relationships with those around us.
This year, World Kindness Day lands on a Monday, which provides opportunity for people to start their week off with acts of kindness, good deeds and goodwill. World Kindness week will be celebrated over the week between 13 - 19 November 2023.
Kindness can be defined as being caring, compassionate, selfless and helping others without expecting praise or reward in return.
Ways in which you can show kindness includes:
• Speaking respectfully to others
• Setting a good example
• Volunteering your time
• Listening more
• Spreading positivity
• Giving compliments
• Doing random acts of kindness
• Donating clothes, food or money
• Connect with those who may not be included usually
Even the smallest acts of kindness can go a long way, and you should never pass up an opportunity to help someone in need. Kindness is important as it allows us to connect with others and build meaningful relationships. When someone shows us kindness, we feel connected and more willing to cooperate with them.
To sum up, acts of kindness start a ripple of positive change that can transform the lives of children, families and entire communities. World Kindness Day is a day to remind us all about humanity and kindness, emphasising us that we should not only be kind today, but every day.
Latitude Food Drive
Year 6 Community Service Captains
Harper G and Uvinyaa W
Over the past year, Latitude has helped over 200 young people and their families with food and shelter. Latitude is an organisation that helps support homeless people between the ages of 16-25 years old and gives them hope for a better future.
The support from the Aitken Community towards this food fundraiser was overwhelming. We are extremely grateful for your response and would like to thank you all for your generous donations. Thank you, Aitken families!
Uniform Reminders
Thank you for ensuring that students abide by the College uniform requirements. Some reminders are:
- HATS are needed for Term 4 (or no play)
- Parkas are only to be worn with the sport’s uniform
- Students must wear their blazers to and from school, unless 25 degrees or over
- Hair must be tied back (not half up/half down); navy or green hair tie
- No jewellery allowed, except for a plain stud or sleeper and a watch
Assembly Roster
Important Dates
12 November | Fun Run |
16 November | Fairview Dance Party |
17 November | Assessment Day (Student Free Day) |
21 November | Year 1 & 2 Concert (2.00pm & 6.30pm) |
23 November | Prep Concert (6.30pm) |
28 November | Year 6 Celebration Evening |
29 November | ROC Christmas Carols |
1 December | Year 6 Funfields Excursion |
4 December | Christmas Chapel Services |
6 December | Presentation Night (livestreamed) |
7 December | Step-Up Day |
8 December | Final Assemblies Last Day of Term |