Parents & Friends Association

This Sunday is all about Family Run Fun Day
The event will open at 8:30am. On arrival, please make your way to the running track behind the Gymnasium.
Warm up will be held from 9:00am and the Fun Run will start at 9:30am
We strongly suggest any serious runners make their way to the start line early so they can be among the first group to enter the course. We will be sending runners and participants out in waves. Prams are permitted on the course, but will be required to start at the rear of the group.
Getting Involved
Make sure you come along on the day to support the school and students and enjoy all the fun on the day!
There will be a FREE Fun Zone Activities area which will be run by Kelly Sports.
Kids and adults can get their face painted and enjoy the animals in the petting zoo. There will be show bags to purchase. You will be able to purchase food and drinks on the day. There will be a coffee van, an ice-cream van and a sausage sizzle.
Please note, cash only event on the day for the Sausage Sizzle, face painting and petting zoo.
- Face painting will be $10.00
- Petting Zoo will be $5.00
- Sausage Sizzle will be $4.00 per sausage
- Show Bags will be $6 -$10
We cannot wait to see you at this fun event!
At the completion of the run, you will receive a bottle of water and a Berri Quelch Froze Fruit Stick.
How Does My Child Fundraise?
Firstly go to create a student profile page. Everything to do with your fundraising revolves around this page. Students who raise just $10 will receive a reward for their effort. Don't forget to share your online fundraising link.
Ordering prizes have now open!
The fastest and easiest way to claim your prize is online
Simply log in to your profile page and click on the ‘Claim your prizes’ link and follow the prompts.
We ask that you claim your prizes before the fun run event, as this will ensure that prizes will arrive in a timely manner. All prizes will be delivered to the school for collection in December 2022. Collection date and time for prizes will be confirmed by email, when all prizes have been delivered to the school.
We cannot wait to see you on Sunday!
We would also like to take a second to thank some of our sponsors for the day:
ELITE PARTYZ - your one stop App for all your party needs!
Elite Partyz is revolutionising the party industry. The ultimate party app for your business and kids party needs. Go see for yourself!
Kelly Sport is a fantastic addition to the fun run! The active zone is the highlight of the day and it just showcase a little bit of what the brilliant work they do with the after school and holiday program they run at the school.
Fairview Dance Party
Fairview students, I hope you have your dance shoes ready!
The Fairview Dance Party is happening next Thursday 16 November from 6.00pm - 7.30 pm
For those new to the school, or unfamiliar with this event the Parents and Friends Association hold a dance party for Fairview students only. This event is held in Common Room 1 and is supervised by staff and the Committee and school community volunteers. It is a fabulous evening where the kids get to hang out with their friends and dance to some really great music.
Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Parents and Friends Association Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Monday 27 November at 7.30pm in the CPA
The Election of Office Bearers of the Association and Committee Members takes place at the AGM.
Detailed information will be sent to parent emails with nomination forms. Thank you for your ongoing support. If you would like to contact us we are happy to have any feedback or ideas sent our way. Please email us at
Pre-loved Uniform Donations
If you have Aitken College uniform items at home that are no longer in use and are in wearable condition, we would love to have them. The Parents and Friends Association clean and iron the donated uniform items and re-sell them at our quarterly Pre-loved Uniform Sales with all the funds going back to the Parents and Friends Association fundraising account. The items can be dropped off in our clothing bin near the main Reception. Please remember that the items need to be in a wearable condition, and we do not have a market for re-sale on Aitken socks.
Upcoming events
Fun Run – Sunday 12th November
Fairview Dance Party – Thursday 16th November
AGM – Monday 27th November 7:30pm in the CPA
Mrs Zoe Mackrell
P&F Committee