
Year 11 Students
Careers and Senior Brookhill staff are looking forward to an excursion to RMIT (City campus) with the current Year 11 cohort on Tuesday 21 November. This is an all day excursion where students will travel unaccompanied to RMIT and will be met on site by Aitken staff. Students will explore a dual sector tertiary campus, learn about transition to tertiary education, attend presentations, aim to kickstart the career research process in preparation for Year 12 and practise the things they might do, and the questions they might ask, if they were at an Open Day. Permission slips are due to be returned. A huge thank you to those students who have already responded.
Year 12 Students
For the Year 12 VCE students sitting exams, we hope all is going well.
At the conclusion of the exam period, an ‘end of year pack’ will be posted home to each Year 12 student with information about the availability of Careers staff up until 13 December. For those students who have input a VTAC application, Change of Preference information will also be sent with the pack.
Most students have now paid their VTAC processing fee. If you have not already done so, don’t forget to pay by the start of December (but the sooner the better and then it can be crossed off your list of things to do), otherwise you will be ineligible to receive offers for the courses on your preference list.
If students have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Careers staff.
Career News 13
Career News Issue 13 is now available and includes information about:
- Occupational Therapy being offered at ACU Ballarat campus in 2024
- The School Leavers Guide to a Career with Victoria Police
- Nutrition and Dietetics degrees in Victoria
- Optometry courses
- A Snapshot of Flinders University
- An information evening at The Hotel School Australia
- The RMIT Skills and Job Centre
- Options to satisfy prerequisites for entry to The University of Melbourne courses
- Useful links to Student Support Services at Victorian Universities
- Study Abroad and Exchange programs at Victorian Universities
- Paramedicine degrees in Victoria
- Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science degrees in Victoria
- A Snapshot of Holmesglen Institute
- The Change of Preference Expo at The University of Melbourne
- Stile Software engineering internships for women
- Joining Linkedin
- Youth Work and Social Work degrees in Victoria
- Hume Multiversity scholarships
- Boot Camps in Beauty, Sport & Fitness and Hairdressing and Barbering at Box Hill Institute
Careers Newsletter on My Aitken
Career News is written and published fortnightly and is available via My Aitken / Resources / School Life / Aitken News / Careers Newsletter / Careers Newsletters – 2023 Editions:
Contact Details
Please contact us via email:
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors