Art Department

  Natasha Saunders

Success at the Charlton Art & Photography exhibition

The Art Department was very pleased to be part of the recent Charlton Art and Photography exhibition, organised by Charlton Arts.


It was fantastic to see the Shire Hall adorned with the work of so many of our students. An extra bonus was the discovery that many our students were awarded with a certificate in the student display. Congratulations to the following people who were selected for Student Awards in their respective year levels:

Nate Lane - Grade 1
Nate Lane - Grade 1
Campbell Riley- Grade 2
Campbell Riley- Grade 2
Anna Fitzpatrick- Grade 6
Anna Fitzpatrick- Grade 6
Erin Blair- Year 7
Erin Blair- Year 7
Heidi Start- Year 8
Heidi Start- Year 8
Maggie Riley- Year 9
Maggie Riley- Year 9
Beau Johnstone- Year 10
Beau Johnstone- Year 10


We also had success in the Secondary Student Art Competition. Congratulations to Bailey Hooper-Dixon who won the Best Secondary School Exhibit (Photography) and Ebony Start who took out Best Secondary School Exhibit (2D art).

Bailey Hooper-Dixon- Year 12
Bailey Hooper-Dixon- Year 12
Ebony Start - Year 11
Ebony Start - Year 11

Thanks to Charlton Arts for their hard work and providing us with the opportunity to be involved. Big thanks to our very talented students and the Art staff for preparing the work.