Student Achievements

Maths Mindset Awards & Spotlights

Year 1

1RA Noah Wylie


For his enthusiastic and passionate attitude towards maths every lesson.


Year 2

Oliver C for investigating different strategies for division!

Year 3

3JS- Nathan B who always has a great mindset and is persistent and adaptable when faced with challenging concepts. Well done Nathan!


Year 5

5KB-Jack R – Helping us all learn about Maths by talking about Maths. Sharing and modelling different multiplication strategies. Thanks for helping us all learn, Jack!


Year 6

6SG- Holly W for always pushing herself to challenge and extend her skills.





In the Spotlight!

FSJ Rufus

2MP Chayse

4WH Isabelle

4MB Kaydn

4EC Oscar

4WH El

5JP Noah

5SD Zac

5KB Adam