Principal's Blog

27th October, 2023

Dear Parents, Carers, Students, Staff and Friends of Derinya,

As another week comes to a close I continue to be blown away by the achievements of our students. Not only are they doing incredibly well academically but there are so many accomplishments to celebrate and be proud of. 


Bake Sale 

Congratulations goes to our year 5 students on a very successful Bake Sale. The students plan this from scratch, choosing items to bake, shop for, create, market and then sell. Well done to both staff and students for completing such a successful project that the rest of the school were able to enjoy. 


Sporting Achievements 

We have an incredibly strong sporting culture at our school and many talented athletes. We have achieved outstanding success this year with many teams progressing through various levels of competition and often coming out champions. Please take a moment to read the Sporting News section for further information.  


Student Safety 

I would like to ensure all parents are clear on the circumstances around yesterday’s lock down so that they are able to reassure children that our school is a safe place. At approximately 12:45pm yesterday afternoon a distressed and unwell member of the public was identified on Derinya Dve. Police and ambulance support was required. The school swiftly actioned our lockdown procedures to ensure student physical and psychological safety. Children were able to resume normal lunch time activities at 1:30pm and were reassured by their teachers that the school was safe.  


Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend. 

Nadine Pye on behalf of the Derinya Team