Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today, our Kindergarten students for 2024 enjoyed their second transition morning at St Michael's. It is always wonderful to see the children interact with their buddies and other children in the school and to witness their confidence grow with each visit. Our parent information session will be held on Wednesday November 8 commencing at 5.30 p.m. in the Kindergarten classroom. If you have any questions or queries regarding Kindergarten, Wednesday will be a fabulous opportunity to have these answered. We look forward to seeing our Kindergarten 2024 parents there, particularly if you are a new family to the school.


Our Annual Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday December 14 commencing at 6.00 p.m. in the Manilla Central High School Hall. This ceremony is to celebrate the achievements of all our students K-6 for the 2023 school year. At this ceremony the school leaders for 2024 will be announced. Every child is encouraged to attend with their family members. More information will be forwarded closer to the date. If you have any questions, please contact  the school. 


Over the past fortnight, staff has continued to take part in professional learning. Yesterday, Amanda McNair and Leah Summerell travelled to St Joseph's at Uralla to view their curriculum integration in action. This is an area of particular interest for Leah and Amanda and an innovative way to connect the learning across several Key Learning Areas, whilst tapping into the interest areas of the children. Leah and Amanda will continue their research into this pedagogical practice and look towards its application at St Michael's into the future.


Our Early Career Teachers - Emily Maunder, Anna Fraser and Isabella Rasche joined with ECTs from across the Diocese at a networking day held at McCarthy Catholic College in Tamworth. The girls had the opportunity to attend various workshops related to aspects of their teaching. Director of Schools, Dr Chris Smyth addressed the group, posing a variety of questions including: 

Why did you become a teacher?

What do you hope to get from a career in teaching?

Are you resilient enough to enjoy the challenges that young people sometimes present?

Emily, Anna and Isabella returned full of enthusiasm and affirmation for a job well done.


On Monday evening, Jacquelene Cronin presented to the Catholic Earthcare Schools in Australia, the work that St Michael's is doing in this space. Jacquelene and the children work extremely hard in this area and are to be congratulated on their effort. Well done everyone.


Amanda McNair has been invited to speak at the Armidale Diocese Principal Conference in Armidale on November 30. Amanda has been asked to chat about Inclusion and what is happening at St Michael's for our all our students in this space. This is great honour for Amanda and recognition for the tremendous work she undertakes in this area every day at our wonderful school. Amanda's work is always grounded in current research and reflected in best practice K-6. Congratulations Amanda.


Further to the news regarding Cathy Shepherd and Isabella Rasche being selected as team managers for Hockey and Touch Football respectively in 2024, Isabella has been named as Convenor for the Diocese Touch Carnival in 2024 and Emma Martin has been appointed Team Manager for the 11 years League for the Polding trials in 2024. Well done ladies and a great recognition for your interest and expertise in these sports.


Congratulations to former student Liam Trotter who has been chosen as a Designated Student Leader at Carinya Christian School for 2024. Well done Liam and it's always wonderful to hear great things about our former students.

Enjoy a fabulous weekend,
