Principal's Update

It is very exciting to be writing to you from our new office! This week has been a busy week with moving back to our refurbished office. Students were very excited to come for a look, and younger classes came through for a tour. We are pleased to see the building work progressing. The brickwork on our new learning hub is almost completed and work will soon commence on the inside. We have all enjoyed watching the progress!
All students are expected to wear full school uniform, as per our uniform policy. I am asking all families to assist us in ensuring students are in uniform, including black shoes and bottle green wide brimmed hats. If you require more uniforms they are available for sale at the office. We also have some stock of second hand uniforms available. Please make sure that all items are clearly named so that lost property can be given straight back to students.
Cobram Agricultural Show
Many students are looking forward to the Cobram Show this weekend. Students have been working hard on their entries for the Art and Writing sections. Congratulations on everyone's effort and we can't wait to see the displays on the weekend. We hope that families who are attending the show will take time to view the school display.
Last but not least, at CPS, while we don’t have formalised homework for students to do each night, it’s important that parents/guardians find some time to read for 10 minutes each day with their child. This is a chance to put away your devices and enjoy some one on one time with your child after a busy day. You don’t have to give feedback or teach, it can be just for pure enjoyment. The cognitive skills this brings can be very powerful and can make a huge difference to your child’s literacy development. As well as this, it gives parents a chance to connect with their child away from the constant distractions that our busy lives bring.
‘Good habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.’ Let’s get these good habits going strong now and make the most of the time we have at school for the rest of the year.
Claye Runnalls