PFA News


We started on Friday with a scrumptious morning tea provided to our teachers on behalf of all the parents. This morning tea was kindly sponsored by Jen Findlay and Ben Avramides and their business Tommy Collins. Thanks to Jordi Vernon and Kym Hayat for the flowers and helping set it all up! We really have a wonderful dedicated team of staff at GPS and it was wonderful to celebrate them. Special mention to our school leadership who go above and beyond, Mrs Hall, Mrs Pitts and Ms Sfetsas. 


On Sunday, the sun was shining on our beautiful school and we held the most incredible Family Fun Day and Colour Run. Lead by the incredible Jodie Holthouse who planned each and every thing... she oversaw the day and made it the huge success it was! Jodie, the hours of planning you put in and the huge energy and organisation required - you are a superstar and we are lucky to have you at our school. Thank you! Jodie was supported by the Year 2 and Year 6 class reps who each had huge jobs in organising their stations. Thank you to the reps, Lainie Hanan, Shaheen Khan, Melanie Sput, Michal Finch, Sharon Kirschner-Teicher, Tanya Shulman, Peta Hore, Jo Yoon and Damian de Ryk. Thank you for hard work and for encouraging your parent groups to help out! The behind the scenes hours of planning and wrapping and shopping and bagging! Always so much to do for these events.


The courtyard was a bustle of fun with beautiful hanging flowers and decorations! People devoured the cakes from the stall and ate the hot sausages as they came off the BBQ. The kids loved the colour stall and of course the lolly bags were a hit. The lucky dip prizes were popular too! On stage we saw incredible performances from all Gardenvale's Got Talent finalists and we thank the captains, Lee Ajzenman, Mr Pitts and Mrs Pitts for the smooth running of the show. The applause for all acts was wonderful and congrats to the winners. Mr Pitts, we hope baby Hazel didn't miss you too much - thanks for making the huge effort to be there. The incredible Art Expo in the MPC was truly sensational. Thank you Ms Jones for having this vision and helping the amazing students showcase their creative skills. It was such a great space to walk through and share this with our students.  There is so much artistic talent at our school!


Then onto the Colour Run.... boy was this fun! Thanks to the wonderful Team Kids volunteers and parent helpers for handing out wristbands and merchandise. The obstacles made everyone smile and being sprayed with water and climbing through barriers was a hit. The bursts of colour got everyone! Special mention to all the teachers who came along and joined in. We are so lucky to have such dedicated staff at GPS. 


To all the parents who signed up to set up tables, hang signs, flip sausages, spray water pistols, pack down gazebos and everything in between, thank you! These events are hard work but seeing our happy kids running around at their school they love so much makes it all worth it! There were plenty of wonderful students and ex-GPS student helpers on the day too- packing chairs away, collecting rubbish, opening boxes - you name it, when asked to help they did! These are amazing HERRRby values and your help is greatly appreciated. Parents - please pass on these special thanks to all the students who helped. 




We are still adding up all the money and there is still time to gain sponsorship... There are prizes for students who raise the most money and this will be celebrated at assembly in 2 weeks. Click here to get more sponsors...

Currently MILROY is in the lead.. We are working on a special prize for the winning house too. 



Orders close this Friday, 3rd November.

All Senior campus students can now help with the washing up!!! What a special way to remember our 2023 year with a PERSONALISED class tea towel! Click the link to purchase. All art work will be done at school. Every senior campus student will want to have one! Order now.



Senior Campus Staffroom. Before the year ends this is a great opportunity to catch up and reflect on all the wonderful events we've had and what we want more of in 2024. 7.30pm All welcome!



Gardenvale Primary School would like to thank the sponsors for the 2023 World Teachers Day morning tea. A big thank you to our generous sponsors Jennifer Findlay and Ben Avramides from Tommy Collins for providing the delicious morning tea.


Robyn on behalf of PFA