Student Awards

Students of the Week

Tilly R, 2C - for setting an example of excellence in behaviour and cooperation. You are a kind,  considerate and caring classmate. I’m so proud of you!


Haris S, 3C - for being a terrific class member who demonstrates the HERRRBy Values in everything you do!




Hunter L, PC - for showing high levels of empathy by stepping in immediately to help his friends at the Zoo when they needed it. Go Hunter you legend! 


Torin P, 4B - for being a kind and considerate member of 4B who is always looking out for others.


Green HERRRBY Award

Grace R, 1C - for always ensuring your lunch box is rubbish free. The environment appreciates your efforts!




Piper W, PA - for working really hard during our maths unit on Australian coins. Your math skills are impressive! 


Amelia L, PB, for following instructions and being a good explorer at the Melbourne Zoo excursion. Well done! 


Arlo S, PD  - for bringing a wealth of knowledge to the zoo excursion, your insights benefitted us all. 


Natalie S, 1A - for her outstanding report style text on frogs. She included such interesting information, factual vocabulary, connectives and punctuation. What a great author!


 Mimi Z, 1B - for her great contributions during class discussions. I love your enthusiasm to share what you know.


Freddie Y, 1D - for working hard to improve his handwriting - keep up the good work!


Kayla H, 2A - for the hard work that she has been putting in in all learning areas, I’m proud of you!


Jordan M, 2B - for being responsible and respectful on our excursion to the Royal Botanic Gardens. Your Indigenous art and listening skills throughout the day were wonderful!


Raphi S, 2D - for being a kind, considerate and empathetic friend to his classmates.


Lorelei S, 3A - for always contributing to class discussions in a thoughtful way. We always love to hear what she has to say! 


Emile N, 3B - for his beautiful manners and positive attitude towards every school day!


Isabel M, 4A - for being the best classroom helper any teacher could want. Your enthusiasm and responsibility has set a shining example for all students. 


Francis D, 4C - for using his excellent inferential skills to answer complex comprehension questions during our reading sessions. 


Ava W, 4D - for writing a persuasive letter about why you would like to write in the colour green this week. The answer is yes! Well done Ava!  


Isla Y, 5A - for her bright, bubbly personality and her willingness to always help out her classmates.


Harlie B, 5B - for consistently using her initiative for the greater good.


Rhyder N, 5C - for his remarkable enthusiasm displayed during Year 5 Parliament.


Ella H, 5D - for her wonderful performance as the judge at the Melbourne Courthouse!


Hugo VS, 6A - for being a hard worker and a good friend. We love having you in 6A, Hugo.


Bryce B, 6C - for being such a helpful and patient member of 6C. You are a wonderful role model and bring positive energy to our class. 


Buddy W, 6D - for the magnificent descriptive vocabulary he enhances his writing with. Listening to Buddy read his own written literature is a pleasure!


Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Emile N, 3B - for showing good language analysis skills and remembering new vocabulary in Japanese.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Seth C, 4D - for working hard and being enthusiastic about trying new tasks. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Sophie B, 5B - for being a diligent learner and working with her best effort in Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Keira N, 6D - for always showing a positive attitude and being an enthusiastic participant in the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Liv H, PD - for showing great manners and participating in activities enthusiastically in Japanese class.  すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Nikola B, 1D - for always bringing cheerful attitude to class and greeting to sensei in Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Jasmine W, 2C - for showing positive learning attitude and working hard in Japanese class. 

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"