Principal's Report

Family Fun Day

What absolutely perfect weather we had for our Family Fun Day on Sunday. The whole event was the brainchild of Jodie Holthouse who worked so hard to put the event together. 


It was such a delight to have our school community here to share in the celebration of our students’ work in Visual and Performing Arts and the fun atmosphere of the Colour Run.

Mrs Jones’ vision and work for the Art Exhibition truly had to be seen to be believed and the feedback from our families, staff and visitors has been understandably glowing.  The standard of art work is exceptional and of an extremely high standard for Primary School. We also thank Mrs Laser for her work with the Preps to produce their delightful art pieces and Sensei Naoko Nishikawa for the lovely display of the students’ calligraphy work.



Thank you to the team behind the entertainment: Tom Pitts, Julie Pitts, Casey Galinsky and Lee Ajzerman for keeping us all entertained throughout the afternoon. It was wonderful to see our children so confidently and capably perform for the appreciative audience. Well done to The Jets and Rhythm Nation. A big congratulations to our Gardenvale’s Got Talent Winners – Junior Campus, Kayla Year 2 (Winner) and Bella and Mia Prep (Runners- up) – Senior Campus – Amelia, Charlie and Sophie Year 5 (Winners) and Maddie and Ella Year 5 (Runners – up).


To Jodie and her team we can't thank you enough for all of your hard work, time and energy you put in to ensure we had another great community event in aid of our wonderful school.  The event was well supported by many dedicated Gardenvale parents, teachers, students and friends.  We are truly appreciative to everyone who pitched in and helped, set up, pack up, baked, cooked sausages and manned a stall!


I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make the day a success. Finally, a big thank you to Robyn Krawitz, whose positive and resilient attitude is infectious. We are so fortunate to have you as our PA President, you are a star!


For more photos of the day, see the PFA section in this newsletter as well as some on our website:


World Gardenvale Staff Day

The staff would sincerely like to thank the PFA, especially Robyn Krawtiz, for organising such a beautiful morning tea on World Teachers Day, 27th October.  Our sincerest thanks to Jen Findlay and Ben Avramides for their generosity in providing all the food to spoil our staff. Jen is one of our parents and owns food catering company Tommy Collins.  The staff could not believe their eyes when they walked into the staffroom to see the most amazing spread of delicious food.   At Gardenvale we celebrated this day in recognition of the work done by all our staff. Without the dedication and hard work of all members of ‘Team Gardenvale’ our school would not be the exceptional place that it is!

Staircase Opening

We were starting to wonder if the external staircase at the Senior Campus was ever going to be finished.  Finally, last Friday, we could hold a special assembly to ‘officially’ open the staircase! One student, Oskar from Year 4, was randomly selected to be the first person to climb the staircase and then all of the Senior Campus classes followed on behind. The staircase was given a big tick of approval! 

Hope the week ahead is enjoyable,
