The School Garden Page

News from our School Garden...

It’s been an incredibly busy and exciting time in the garden this year, with even more to come in 2024. A huge amount of work has been put in by a dedicated group of community volunteers, parents and students.


First up to our garden dynamo Deidre, her amazing energy and enthusiasm for the garden, but also the passion and knowledge she passes on to our students is incredible. Deidre is involved in all areas of the garden including much of the maintenance and everyday upkeep, saving seeds, watering, working with different classes (particularly Grade 4 and Grade 5), planning, creating lessons, growing seedlings… and the list could go on and on! Thankyou Deidre, the garden wouldn’t be here without you!!!

Deidre has been ably assisted during our Grade 4 Garden program by Margaret (who has spent many hours behind the scenes organizing fun gardening/environmental activities for the students), Leigh, Colin, Mandy and Justin and a number of other fantastic parents and community volunteers. This is a year long program and we would like to thank all our volunteers for sharing their passion for nature and sustainability with our students! We are so lucky to have such a dedicated team.


Another massive thankyou goes out to all the incredible parents and volunteers that have worked on the maintenance of our garden and worked in the development of our greenhouse and further garden improvements. It’s been amazing to see the support that has been given to our garden this year including the planning, meetings, Tuesday gardening sessions, working bees and support in all other areas. A particularly big thankyou to Pete and Lucy who have done an incredible amount of work over the year to make things happen for our garden and students. There are so many other people (too many to name!), but we would like to send out a huge thankyou to everyone who helped out over the year, we are so grateful!


Also a big thankyou to all our students leaders for their assistance in helping the garden run this year. Our Grade 6 Environment leaders have been fantastic and displayed excellent leadership throughout the year. Also our younger students led by some fantastic Grade 4 students have also made great contributions throughout the year in the garden, helping at working bees and assisting in many other ways! Thanks to all the students who have played a role this year!


We would also like to thank the amazing Barwon Heads Golf Club for their continued support of our program through the annual golf day. Without this support we would not have our amazing greenhouse!


If we’ve missed anyone on this list…  so sorry!!! We appreciate you all!

Looking forward to another great year in 2024!


Edible Garden Team