School News

A note from Kirrily
Hi everyone!
I would like to let you all know I will be finishing my role as the Pastoral Care Worker at Uraidla at the end of this term. I am sad to leave Uraidla but excited for some future endeavors I will be stepping in to. I'm excited to see who will get to step into this role hopefully next term and will certainly be ensuring handover is as smooth as possible for the students and families I have been working with. I have so enjoyed the connections I have made with students, staff and families and I will miss you all! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding how to best support you as I finish up.
Stay safe this weekend in this wild weather!!
Take care,
Kids Biz evening
Uraidla Primary School will be hosting a Growth & Development Family Evening on Tuesday 10 September 2024. We typically run these sessions every other year.
The sessions are conducted by Kidz Biz Education and are designed to be fun, informative and easy to understand. These highly interactive sessions will provide students and their parents/care providers with an introduction to basic personal and social development education; traditionally known as the ‘facts of life’. By all means, sessions will be facilitated in a manner that is not conducive to an awkward or threatening environment.
Notes have been sent home. Please make sure to return them ASAP so you don't miss out on a fantastic informative evening.
Tuck Shop
A huge thank you to the parents of Kelly's class for their donations to today's tuck shop. A special mention goes to Laura Hofmeyer, Gail Dworzanski and Devon Johnson for the hours they put into making sure all lunches were cooked and delivered successfully.
Round the oval the right way
A reminder that, in the interests of student safety, all traffic needs to enter from Swamp Rd and travel in an anti-clockwise direction around the oval, at drop off and pick up times. Please be aware of the speed limit of 10kph.
If using Kidney Street for drop-offs and pick-ups, please enter from the Swamp Rd end and exit via Days Road and keep to the 25kph speed limit. Thank you!
Nut Aware reminder
An important reminder to all families that Uraidla Primary is a Nut Aware school. This means that we ask all families to refrain from sending any items containing nuts to school. We have a number of students with severe nut allergies, and who may experience an anaphylactic reaction if exposed to nuts. Thank you for your cooperation and for helping us keep all of our students safe at school!
Uraidla Primary School Facebook Page
Uraidla Primary School has a parent-run Facebook page, this page is there for helpful reminders of details that may have been missed in school notices on Seesaw or in the newsletter. It is also a great way to get in touch with others in the school community; just search Uraidla Primary School Families and request to join.
Kytons Bakery Winter Fundraiser
Parents and Friends are running a Kytons Bakery Fundraiser for our school!
Best known for Kytons award-winning lamingtons, the Winter Warmers 2024 Fundraiser has sweet and savoury options for your family. Yummy snacks and easy dinner options too!
Order forms will be sent via Seesaw with printed versions available at the front office or via the PDF below.
Orders and payments can be made to the front office until Tuesday 20th August or through the Flexischools app until 4:30pm Sunday 18th August.
The items will be ready for collection Wednesday 28th August after school at the pick-up gate near the oval. (Apologies for families with dietary needs. These products may not be suitable for you.)
Thanks for all the ways you get on board and support Uraidla Primary School!
Parents and Friends
The Parents and Friends would like to welcome any new members to join our ranks! We meet Tuesday evenings at 7pm twice a term. Our next meeting is at the Uraidla Hotel on September 3 at 7pm. Come along and have fun while supporting your kids! 🙂
We are a group of parents and friends of the school, who share the vision of an inclusive and welcoming school community. We focus on activities that raise funds for the school for equipment and experiences and provide opportunities to bring everyone together and feel part of our community. Best of all we have a lot of fun and laughs while doing it.
We meet twice a term, and everyone volunteers to run or support different activities throughout the year. You can join the committee, or we welcome volunteers for events and activities.
P&F activities you can volunteer to help out with include:
- Willow Café ( run after assemblies, hot drinks and snacks)
- Sausage sizzles for Acquaintance night/ end of year concert
- Second hand uniform sales
- Kytons Bakery sale
- School Disco
- Large events like the Colour Run/Art Show
To join, come along to a meeting (dates in the yearly planner) or email to express your interest in helping out with events.
Book Week 2024
**Please note the change from Friday to Monday this year for dressing up for Book Week. Families are welcome to come along to the Book Week Parade on Monday, August 19 at 9am (lasting approximately 1/2 hour)**
Book Week is almost here, and it’s time for students, parents, and families to start preparing for one of the most enchanting events of the school year. This year, Book Week will be celebrated in Week 5 of Term 3, with the captivating theme, "Reading is Magic." It's an excellent opportunity to ignite a love for reading and let children's imaginations soar.
Book Week parade Monday August 19 at 9am for the Book Week parade.
Costume Guidelines: Embrace the Magic of Books
To fully embrace the theme "Reading is Magic," we encourage students to dress up as their favourite characters from books that evoke a sense of wonder, magic, and adventure. Here are a few guidelines and suggestions to help families create magical and memorable costumes:
1. **Stick to Book Characters:**
- Please remember that costumes should represent characters from books. Avoid superhero costumes unless they are from a book (e.g., "Percy Jackson" series, "Harry Potter" series).
2. **Explore Magical Themes:**
- Consider characters from fantasy and adventure genres. Think wizards, fairies, enchanted creatures, and adventurous heroes.
3. **Get Creative and DIY:**
- Homemade costumes can be both fun and cost-effective. Use everyday items to recreate iconic looks. For example, a simple black robe and a stick can transform a child into Harry Potter.
4. **Inspiration Ideas:**
- **"Harry Potter" Series:** Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, or any Hogwarts house member.
- **"Alice in Wonderland":** Alice, the Mad Hatter, or the Cheshire Cat.
- **"The Chronicles of Narnia":** Aslan, Lucy, or the White Witch.
- **"Matilda":** Matilda herself, Miss Honey, or Miss Trunchbull.
- **"The Magic Faraway Tree" Series:** Moonface, Silky the Fairy, or the Saucepan Man.
5. **Comfort and Practicality:**
- Ensure costumes are comfortable and safe for a day at school. Avoid heavy accessories or anything that might obstruct movement or vision.
Let’s make Book Week 2024 a magical experience for everyone. Start planning those spellbinding costumes and get ready to celebrate the wonder and enchantment of reading!
Willow Cafe
The Parents and Friends committee will be opening the Willow Cafe for coffee and tea the morning of the book week parade.
Uniform Ordering
Did you know our school uniforms can now be ordered through Flexi Schools? We have the whole range available for you to order through the Flexi schools app. Place your order online and we will get the order packaged and delivered to your child.
Alternatively, please come into the front office on a Monday or Friday for a viewing/fitting or to purchase.
Enrolment in Reception
If you have a child turning 5 in the next 12 months, it's time to enrol them to start school. Children either start school at the start of the year or in July, depending on their age.
Our school has now reached capacity and we have begun a Capacity Management Plan, which means that we give priority enrolment to children in our catchment area. Please note that younger siblings of existing students are guaranteed enrolment.
If you are speaking to other families about enrolling in school, they can find their local school through the Find My School website: Find a school zone or preschool catchment area (
Enrolments for the start of 2025 should be finalised by June 21 this year. Once we know how many students from our catchment area will be coming, we will be able to determine whether we can welcome other local families.
Please contact the front office for a registration of interest form today!
Maria's Kitchen