A message from Margie

Learning Snapshot
It's been a quiet fortnight in terms of events, and we have all been buckling down to our core business of teaching and learning. I love walking around the school and seeing everyone so engaged in their learning. Here are photos of what everyone was up to at school this Wednesday at 11:55am!
We are continuing our term focus on kindness, learning that kindness can be a bit like a boomerang, making its way back to you, either directly or indirectly. You may have already seen this famous video about kindness, Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day" (youtube.com). We have also explored what could happen if you are unkind to others, and the impact this could have on your future relationships.
Please talk to your children about your own experiences of the 'kindness boomerang' this fortnight.
Readers Cup
Each year some of our older students put their hands up to participate in the Readers Cup competition. I am always so impressed with their reading efforts and with their bravery in writing a play and acting it out in front of a big audience.
Here is what Edith had to say this week about the competition:
Reader’s Cup is a competition where a range of groups from different schools will read 5 books (this year’s books consisting of The Camel who Crossed Australia, Scout and the Rescue Dogs, Bindi, The Giver, and The Mud Puddlers) then answer questions about them on a quiz. Points are tallied, then added to after the groups perform a 3-4-minute play. This year’s play has to be based off a poem from the book Big Silly Little Serious by Mike Lucas. The winner of Reader’s Cup receives a $20 gift card and a large trophy to keep until the next Reader’s Cup performance, and the runner up wins a $15 gift card, which they can spend at Matilda’s bookshop in Stirling.
At the performance night (held at Bridgewater P.S. gym), two Uraidla P.S. teams attended (The Bookbusters 2.0, and The Page-turners), along with many other groups from various schools. The author of the book Big Silly Little Serious, Mike Lucas, was present on performance night. There was a stage set up at the front of the gym, mats on the ground for students, and chairs for the rest of the audience. The judge’s table was facing the stage and had all the prize vouchers and the large gold Reader’s Cup trophy.
The winner of Reader’s Cup was a group that had based their performance off a poem about monsters under the bed. The group consisted of two dancing monsters, one of whom played the flute, a girl trying to find the monsters under her bed who played guitar, and a narrator who read aloud the poem. It was Uraidla team 2 (the Bookbusters 2.0) who ended up coming second, with their play being based on the poem ‘I’m Smarter than my Teachers’. All in all, the night was a brilliant experience, with all team members from the many groups participating in the performance aspect of Reader’s Cup, and everyone making many memories that they will never forget.
Our groups were 1 The Page Breakers – Louie, Lena, Ellie, Harriet, Ada (and Elsa who filled in for Louie who was sick). The Book Busters 2.0 – Edith, Elodie, Eloise, Angie, Nilah
Kidz Biz
I encourage all families to register and come along to the Kidz Biz growth and development session taking place on Tuesday 10 September 2024. Parents are invited to attend with their children and learn about the 'facts of life'. Families who have attended in the past have found this to be a great introduction to talking to their children about what can sometimes feel like an awkward subject. Tickets can be purchased through Flexi Schools.
Staffing update
Our dear Pastoral Care Worker Kirrily will finish with us at school at the end of this term. I know you will join me in wishing her all the very best for her future endeavours! Kirrily has connected so well with the students, staff and families, and we will really miss her.
We are advertising for a new Pastoral Care Worker to begin in term 4; please see the ad in the School News section if you have someone in mind who may be interested in applying.
Book Week next week ~ we're all looking forward to it! 😊✨📚