
Congratulations to all the Preps on their 100 days of school. This is a wonderful achievement to celebrate. Since February, they have enthusiastically and positively embraced every aspect of school. Keep up the great learning!
In Maths, the Preps continue to explore subtraction through storytelling and picture problems, using manipulatives and writing the corresponding number sentence. Before beginning independent activities, the Preps chant, 'We begin with a lot and end with a little'. They understand that the quantity of objects gets less when you remove parts from the whole.
The Preps started the week by learning facts and background knowledge about the Olympics. Following on, they listened to the story Koala Lou. Koala Lou participates in the bush Olympics. The students discussed the emotions that Koala Lou was feeling, the different sports that could take place in the bush and how Koala Lou felt when she did not win.
In InitiaLit, the students stretch out two-, three- and four-sound words and blend the sounds back together. The sounds for letters 'n' and 'g' have been introduced, and they are practising reading and writing simple words containing these new sounds.
I think we can demonstrate 'fairness' towards others when we...
The students answered this statement as they were wondering about the topic for the Inquiry unit for this term. During Term 3, they will learn to listen with understanding and empathy, follow classroom and family rules, take appropriate action in different places, and manage conflict.
Prep Mass
Next Thursday, 08 August, is the Feast day of Saint Mary MacKillop. The Preps will be responsible for parts of the mass service. Families are welcome to attend the 09:00 am mass at the St Francis Xavier Parish church.