Faith Matters

at St Francis Xavier School

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,


Our Monday Staff Meeting was facilitated by one of the Southern Area Religious Education Consultants and focused on Christian Meditation. It was a worthwhile session which catered to the varying levels of experience and understanding amongst our staff. You may be aware that we now undertake a 'reset' with our students each time they enter the classroom in the morning, after recess and after lunch. The purpose being to instill a sense of tranquility which supports focus and learning.  We have been using a few different strategies and activities, including meditation, to generate a calm environment and while the children have previously experienced some Christian meditations we wanted to explore this further as a staff.  


Incidentally, this worked in well with our Wednesday Morning Whole School Prayer as it was the feast day of St Ignatius of Loyola, who was a very close friend of St Francis Xavier. He was a great advocate of spiritual exercises and meditations, many of which he wrote himself!  Year 1/2 families, your children have been learning about and practising St Ignatius' Daily Examen meditation and I know they are very excited about sharing it with you and the Prep families at Prayers in Pyjamas next week.


Forthcoming Masses

All our classes will be attending a 9:15 parish mass this term and taking responsibility for readings, taking up the Offertory Gifts, etc.

We always love to see families and friends who are able to join us and we invite you to sit with your child and their class.


Thursday, 8th August  Prep

Tuesday, 13th August Year 3/4

Thursday, 15th August Whole school (Feast of the Assumption - the children will not be undertaking any responsibilities at this mass but the whole school will be attending)

Tuesday, 3rd September Year 1/2

Tuesday, 17th September Year 5/6


God's blessings to you all,


Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader