Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report
Term 3 - Week 3
Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,
If you are anything like me, your sleep patterns will be all over the place at the moment. Waking at all hours of the night to cheer on the Aussie athletes in their chosen events is certainly starting to take its toll, however it is well worth the sacrifice!
It is hard not to be inspired by the incredible athletes who are not only competing for gold but also showcasing the very best of human spirit and perseverance. The Olympics is such a powerful reminder of some of the key values that we hold dear in our school community, especially dedication, teamwork, and resilience. As we continue to watch the games into its second week, let’s take this opportunity to reflect on how these values can inspire us in our own lives. Whether in academics, sports, or personal goals, what a great opportunity embrace the Olympic spirit and strive to bring our best selves to every challenge we face.
Kaboom Sports
The weather certainly looked after us last Tuesday afternoon, when the team from Kaboom Sports came to S.F.X to lead our school mini-Olympics. I was so proud of the way the students engaged with all the activities and supported one another. Thanks to all the family members who were able to join us to cheer on our students throughout the afternoon.
Parent Teacher Interviews
A letter will be sent to families tomorrow with the booking details for our upcoming Parent Teacher interviews. Meetings will take place from 3:30pm - 7:00pm on Monday 19th August and Thursday 22nd August. If you have a child in 5/6WG their dates are Monday the 19th and Monday the 26th August. I encourage all families to please make a time to meet with your child's classroom teacher and discuss their progress. Meeting blocks are 15 minutes and are taking place on-site.
Early/Late arrivals each morning
Can I remind all families that the school gates do not open until 8:15am each morning. We seem to have an increasing number of students being dropped at school before this time and waiting in the school car park. I am asking students to please try and not arrive before 8:15am, as there are cars moving in and out of the car park right up until this time.
Late arrivals at school are also increasing. It is so important that students arrive at school before 8:45am each morning and enter school through the green gates. We have between 10-15 students coming through the office after arriving late each day. This makes it really hard for those students to engage in tasks, as learning has already begun for the day. It is also very challenging for teachers to then have to re-explain the focus of the learning and tasks that have been set.
Thanks in advance for your co-operation with these requests.
Prep-2 Swimming Lessons
Thank you to all the Prep-2 families who have already signed the Operoo form for the upcoming swimming lessons. PARC have contacted the school and asked us to remind all families that the Swimming Ability Form must be completed as soon as possible. PARC use these forms to make the initial groupings for the lessons. A link to the form was provided on the Operoo form, however I will add it below for families who are yet to complete it.
School Closure Day
There is a school closure day scheduled for Monday 12th August. Staff will be participating in Professional Learning until lunchtime and then completing our Anaphylaxis training in the afternoon. This will be the only school closure date in Term 3.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Steve Peart
School Principal