The first few days of a new term have a unique energy. It has been lovely to welcome everyone back to school and the term ahead holds the possibilities of learning, new experiences and adventure. Our school is a fantastic place, and it's important for all of us, students and staff, to strive to live our values of generosity, compassion, reverence, respect, forgiveness, and dignity. Alongside these values, we have community expectations that everyone should meet. Essentially these are daily guidelines for how to behave at St Mary MacKillop College and how to treat everyone around us. The start of the term is a great time to remind ourselves of the things we can do that help us create a positive, productive and inclusive community. 

College Community Expectations

We are on time and ready to learn. Students should arrive at school punctually, attend Homeroom, and ensure they are prepared for each class with all necessary materials. Being ready to learn goes beyond punctuality; it involves having a positive mindset and being eager to engage in each lesson to the best of their ability.


We always follow staff instructions. Students are expected to follow staff instructions and cooperate positively and courteously. Whether it’s completing work, disposing of rubbish properly, or moving seats, following reasonable instructions is expected.


We all use appropriate language. Our school theme is Intentional Inclusivity and we should not underestimate how our language can include others, or how it can exclude. Appropriate language is more than not swearing, it is using language that is positive and uplifting.


We respect ourselves, others, and our learning environment. We should not expect from others what we are unwilling to give ourselves. Each person is responsible for showing respect in how we treat one another and care for our environment. Respecting ourselves also means striving for our best, and acting with honesty and integrity.


We are responsible for our own behavior. As individuals, we must make positive choices and resist peer pressure to do what we know is wrong. Our human nature means we sometimes make mistakes, but we should acknowledge them and work to restore the situation.


In Term 3 we can continue to build a community based on generosity, compassion, reverence, respect, forgiveness, and dignity. Our school should be a place where everyone feels valued and supported, where everyone can learn, grow and feel they have a place. 

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