Year 4/5/6

This week in Science, our students have been diving into the fascinating world of electrical energy and its various transformations. They are learning about how electricity is produced in Australia and have been hands-on with exciting projects to understand these concepts better.


Students have been exploring how electrical energy can be transferred and transformed. They learned about the journey of electricity, from production to everyday use. This week, students planned and constructed simple electrical circuits. Through these projects, they demonstrated how chemical energy is transformed into electrical energy and then into light energy. It’s been an illuminating experience, quite literally!


Soon, students will delve into the properties of materials that conduct electricity versus those that insulate. This will enhance their understanding of how and why certain materials are used in electrical circuits. As part of our broader learning goals, students will also be identifying renewable and non-renewable energy sources. They will discuss how we can make Australia more sustainable by using energy more efficiently and exploring renewable options.


We encourage you to ask your children about their projects and what they’ve learned about electricity and sustainability. These discussions can be a great way to reinforce their learning and share in their excitement.

Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to reach out.

Knowledge of our world and beyond inspires sustainable solutions:

  • ST3-SCI-01: uses evidence to explain how scientific knowledge can be used to develop sustainable practices
  • ST3-PQU-01: poses questions to identify variables and conducts fair tests to gather data