From the Principal's Desk

Welcome to Term 3, I can’t believe we are halfway into the school year already! I am pleased to share some recent highlights and upcoming events that showcase the vibrant life of our school.


Last Monday, teaching staff participated in a Curriculum Development Day. This professional development opportunity allowed our teachers to engage in deep learning and collaboration, focusing on enhancing our educational programs with the new English and Mathematics curricula. The day was highly productive, and we are excited to implement the new strategies and insights gained to benefit our students' learning experiences.


We also held a Spirituality Day last Tuesday for our staff, providing a time for reflection and spiritual growth. This day was an important opportunity for our teachers to connect with their own faith journeys, which in turn, enriches the spiritual atmosphere within our school community. I would like to thank Mr Mitch Bailey who joined us from CEDWW to lead the day and to Mrs Middleton for her preparation and collaboration with Mr Bailey. 


On Tuesday, our school was proudly represented at the Diocesan Athletics Carnival. A special congratulations to Maria and Paxton for representing All Saints’. 


On Wednesday, our Year 5 students participated in the Ambassador Program to Holbrook, focusing on Catholic mission work. This initiative, in collaboration with St Patrick’s Holbrook and St Joseph’s Culcairn, provided our students with valuable insights into the importance of community service and global citizenship. It was a rewarding experience that emphasised our commitment to living out our faith in action. 


On the 22nd of August we will be celebrating book week. For those new to the school this is a day where students dress up in the theme of this year's book week ‘Reading is magic’. Parents are invited in to read with students, for a costume parade and to purchase books from the book fair should you wish.  


Casserole Night - Save the Date: We are excited to announce that our annual Casserole Night will be held on the 4th of September. This event is a wonderful opportunity for families to come together, share delicious food and watch a movie. It is a great night especially for our new families to meet other families and staff at the school in an informal setting. Please mark your calendars and join us for a warm and welcoming evening.

Our students have been hard at work practising for the end-of-term play, "Pirates vs Mermaids." Their enthusiasm and dedication to their singing and performances have been fantastic to witness. We look forward to showcasing their talents and creativity in what promises to be a delightful and entertaining production. A huge thank you to Mrs Middleton for taking the reins of the play and to staff for their efforts. School plays take a great deal of planning and practice. 


As always, your support and involvement in our school community is greatly appreciated. We have much to look forward to this term. We look forward to seeing parents and friends at our wonderful school.


God Bless,


Daniel Francis