From the Principal

Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

Finding Joy in Learning

It is with great joy that I return to the College community after a productive and enlightening sabbatical. During my time away, I had the opportunity to reflect deeply on the core values that drive Good News Lutheran College and the true essence of education. One of the most profound insights that was highlighted for me was experiencing again the connection between learning and joy. 


Learning, in its purest form, is a journey of discovery, growth, and transformation. It is an adventure that opens our minds to new perspectives, challenges our preconceptions and enriches our lives in immeasurable ways. This process, when embraced with an open heart and mind, brings about a profound sense of joy. Joy in learning is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it is about the thrill of exploration, the satisfaction of overcoming challenges, and the fulfilment of realising our potential. 


As we begin this new term, we should all remember that joy and learning are intertwined. When we approach our studies with curiosity and enthusiasm, we create an environment where joy flourishes. This joy is contagious; it inspires others and fosters a community where everyone is encouraged to strive for excellence. 


The Bible beautifully encapsulates this sentiment in Proverbs 2:10:

"For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul." 

This verse reminds us that true wisdom and knowledge bring not only understanding but also a deep sense of joy and contentment. As we seek knowledge and wisdom, we should do so with the expectation that it will enrich our hearts and uplift our spirits. 


In our daily academic pursuits, let us find joy in every lesson, every challenge, and every success. Let us cultivate a community where learning is celebrated, where curiosity is nurtured, and where each of us can experience the joy that comes from growing in knowledge and wisdom. 


I am thrilled to be back and to be continuing the learning journey with each of you. Together, let us make the rest of this year and all those to follow be filled with learning, growth, and above all, joy. 



Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

College Principal

Harmony Magazine - Term 2 

It brings me great joy to share the second edition of Harmony Magazine, capturing the many highlights from Term 2. This issue also offers a glimpse into the lives of Old Scholars, sharing exciting updates and milestones.


Click here to view the Term 2 Harmony Magazine


Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

College Principal