



Dear Parents and Carers, 


Parents and Carers are legally required to ensure children attend school every day, or provide the school with an explanation for their absence.  Roberts McCubbin PS uses the attendance module of Compass to manage attendance and absences of children. 


 If you are aware in advance of any days that your child will be absent from school, you should lodge this on Compass prior to the absence.  


If your child falls ill overnight and will not be attending school the next day, this absence should be lodged on Compass prior to the start of school so that the teacher can see the notification when marking the classroom roll. 


As our school already uses Compass for attendance management, the absence notification will be sent as an SMS via Compass to the Primary Carer’s mobile using the mobile number included in the school’s student records. 


So that you do not receive an unnecessary SMS, it is vital that you attend to the lodgement of absence notifications on Compass prior to the actual absence. 




Peter Watson
