
Reading   I   Writing   I   Speaking & Listening

In English, as always, students will extend their love of reading and writing through supported:

  • Exposure to gradually more sophisticated and challenging texts
  • Development of greater fluency and expression when reading and speaking
  • Consolidation of decoding skills in reading and writing
  • Extension of comprehension skills e.g. literal, inferential and applied knowledge
  • Development of writing skills which will include letter formation, finger spacing and punctuation
  • Continuation of investigating the structure and writing of recounts, including incorporating interesting language features such as adjectives, adverbs and time connectives
  • Learning about the features and structure of procedural texts and scientific report writing, for our Inquiry experiments
  • Continued exposure to non-fiction texts
  • Introduction of informative texts and information report writing. Students will be researching and creating an information report on an animal of their choice. 
  • Extension of vocabulary when writing and speaking