Term 3 Diary Dates

Dear Year 1 families,
The Year 1 students all enjoyed their first week of Term 3. They have settled back into routine quickly and loved catching up with their teachers and friends. We have plenty of engaging learning experiences planned for this term. Please take the time to browse through each curriculum area to get more information.
Please take note of some important dates throughout the term:
- Week 2,Wednesday 24th of July: 100th Day of Year 1
- Week 2-4, July 26th - August 11th: Paris Olympics.
- Week 3, July 30th: Friendship Week
- Week 5, 12th - 16th August: National Science Week
- Week 6, 19th - 23rd of August: Book Week
- Week 7, Friday 30th of August: Beaut Blokes' Afternoon
- Week 8, Wednesday 4th of September: Animal Report Showcase for Parents
- Week 9, 9th - 13th of September: Parent Teacher Interviews
- Week 10, Friday 20th of September: Last day of term. 2:30pm finish.