Principal's Report

One of the favourite aspects to my job is the time I spend in classrooms.

Since returning this term, I have prioritised my mornings in different classrooms. This week I spent my time in our Grade 5 and 6 classrooms. It has been an absolute pleasure to be involved in their daily Welcoming Circles and just being 'present' with them.

Next week I will be spending my time with our Grade 4s. I see my Principal job as one where I am connected with all our students and be a support in the classroom.

As the term continues, I look forward to spending time in the other year levels.


Current Whole School Strategic Focus

I think it is important that I keep you updated with the strategic focus of our school.  Our core work this year has been in Literacy, Numeracy, Wellbeing and Student Voice, Agency and Leadership.

Our senior leadership strategically plans, implements and evaluates a range of actions from our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). We devise 5 week action plans in this core areas, to focus our attention and work.

Our current focus areas are:

Core Area



- Auditing organisation and structure of classroom Literacy block.


- Embedding Maths Daily Reviews (explicit instruction) across the school.


- Implementation of THRIVE behaviour management framework in all classrooms.

Student Agency

- Specialist and targeted classroom PLCS implementing student survey to get feedback from them.

The strength of our whole school data sets is a reflection of the way our senior leadership team works. We are so fortunate at Langwarrin Park to have outstanding leaders. Our two Assistant Principals, Deb Haddow (Whole School Wellbeing) and Kym Gilchrist (Whole School Teaching and Learning) take a very hands on approach to lead this work. They are ably supported by our Learning Specialists- Brenda Petkovic (Literacy leader), Brooke McInnes (Student Agency Leader), Jo Smith (Numeracy Leader), Sharna Dean Wright (Student Inclusion Leader) and Melissa Hamilton (Student Agency Leader).

Our core business at Langwarrin Park Primary School is to have the highest expectations for all learners and to have the greatest possible impact on them.


Staffing Update (Mrs Kate Mowat)

It was with great excitement (and some sadness), I would like to inform you all that recently Kate Mowat was the successful applicant for a Department of Education regional role.

Kate has been a much loved and integral member of the Langwarrin Park Primary School community for a number of years. Kate has overseen the management of our school library and has ensured that it is a shining beacon within our school.

More recently Kate has been heavily involved in the community engagement space. She has built very close connections with our local Kinders and supported the evolution of our school's transition program.

Her warm and bubbly personality will be greatly missed by everyone at Langy Park, however our system is very lucky to have Kate!

Kate's final day will be Monday 19th August. We are currently in the process of appointing a new librarian. I will continue to keep you updated with this.

On behalf of everyone at Langy Park Primary School, I wish Kate the absolute best in her new job!


Lining Up

If you regularly drop your kids off at school, you may begin to notice that across the school we have introduced a new process to support a calm entry into the classroom.

When the bell goes at 8.55am, the classroom teacher will be waiting at the door. The teacher will wait with the students at the door until the bell goes at 9am. Students will be expected to line up at the door with their teacher before entering.

Students will then enter the classroom calmly with their teacher to begin their day.

This same process will occur at the end of recess and lunchtime.

For our Grade 3 and 4 students, they also have an established process that before school they drop their bag at their classroom and head out to the playground until the bell goes. 


Teacher Replacements

I would like to thank you again for your patience and understanding when your child's teacher is absent from school. We are very much in the peak season for staff absence and the supply of replacement staff is at its lowest. Unfortunately, at the moment supply versus demand is not in our favour. When we don't have the supply of replacement teachers, we have no choice but to split grades. We make every effort to have a replacement teacher in the classroom, however sometimes this is not possible, due to factors outside of our control.


New Inclusive Gathering Garden Space Opening

You may have noticed up on the Jackson Dve section of our school adjoining our hockey courts, a new garden space. 

A couple of years ago we received a considerable amount of funding to build this space. It has been recently completed and we will formally open the space on Friday 30th August 


100 Days of School for Foundation Students

I would like to thank our Foundation team for organising the 100 Days of School celebration for our Foundation students and their families last week.

This celebration re-iterated to me what a wonderful school community we have. Visiting the Foundation classrooms with Grandparents and special friends present was very special. The love in all the classrooms was bursting at the seams and I'm sure many happy memories were created as a result of this afternoon.


2025 Workforce Planning

Just another reminder that if have you not already got your child's 2025 Foundation enrolment into the office, please do it at your earliest convenience. Earlier in the week, we sent out confirmation of enrolments to our 2025 Foundation families. The number of confirmation of enrolments was very pleasing and we look forward to welcoming our future Foundation families for a series of transition sessions in Term 4.

Also, if you know that your child won't be attending Langwarrin Park Primary School next year, can you please let our office staff know at your earliest convenience.


What's coming up at Langy Park Primary School



Monday 12th August

Grade 3 Swimming

Tuesday 13th August

Grade 5 EMC Experience Day

Thursday 14th August

Foundation Langwarrin Fire Brigade Excursion

Friday 15th August

Foundation Langwarrin Fire Brigade Excursion


Monday 19th August


Wednesday 21st August

Grade 4 City Camp

It is hard to believe we are heading to the half way point of Term 3! Please be kind and continue to look after each other. What makes our school a great place are the people in it!

I wish everyone a very safe and happy weekend.

