Michaela Patel

Mad Science at CSPS

August is all about Science, and we kicked off our celebrations with a spectacular Liquid Nitrogen Show! Students were amazed at the COOL demonstrations and smashing experiments, and finally got to see the incredible Elephant Toothpaste as it whooshed up high. Thanks to Mad Science Presenter Caleb for a fabulous incursion!


Sam found out what happens when a balloon goes into liquid nitrogen


The Elephant Toothpaste demonstration exploded very suddenly!


Lots of students got to help with the experiments, including Benji.


National Science Week

During August, Australia celebrates Science through National Science Week. This year, the focus is on the environment, with the theme Sustainability: More than just Survival. During STEM classes, students will be participating in various activities connected to this idea, but you can also join in at home! Here are some ways your family can get involved with Science and STEM during August.

  • Join a citizen science project, such as The Great Eggcase Hunt, which focuses on finding shark eggs on local beaches.
  • Find out what critters live in your backyard using the Critterpedia app. Take a photo on your photo, and let the app tell you all about the critter that you’ve found.
  • Look up in the sky and see if you can spot some of the birds living around our area. Take a photo and add it to the Big City Birds citizen science app.
  • Get out and about in nature and play QuestaGame, finding real information about real plants and animals in our city.


Recycled Materials

Thanks to everyone who sent in soft drink bottles, cardboard boxes, egg cartons and other recyclable materials to help our STEM program. We now have enough materials to keep our students occupied as they make models and prototypes to show their learning about the world around them.


Science Talent Search

Good luck to all the students who submitted their final projects for the Science Talent Search. We had 14 teams who entered, and they will have an opportunity to share their wonderful work during Science Week as they wait for the judges’ decisions. Results will be announced early in Term 4.


Michaela Patel

STEM Coordinator