Year 3 Spotlight

Year 3 Excursion to the Melbourne Museum


On Friday, 19th of July, Year 3 explored their new unit of inquiry with a whole day excursion to the Melbourne Museum. The main reason for our visit was the First People’s Gallery - Bunjilaka, where we learned about Indigenous culture and how it has been changed by the arrival of non-indigenous people since 1788. 


Unit of Inquiry - Then and Now

Central Idea - By investigating indigenous cultures we can identify how our community has changed over time.


We were also lucky to be able to visit some other exhibitions such as the Melbourne Story, Bugs Alive and Milarri Garden. But visiting the Museum would only be completed by seeing the Dinosaur Walk exhibit! Our students enjoyed the day and it was a very valuable learning experience.


Thank you to our parent helpers who joined us for the day!


“I personally liked the First Peoples Gallery because it was epic to see shields, clothes and spears” - Jax GG


“When I left the museum I felt sad but grateful, I hope I come back again.” - Zara N


“ I liked the Mini Mega Model Museum because you could look at the cameras and see into the other rooms.” - Alyssa A


“ My favourite part was the Bunjilaka exhibit because I learned lots about the aboriginal people and how they lived.” - Amy G


“The Bugs Alive exhibit showed cool bugs”- Zac B 
“At the Bunjilaka area I learned how they made possum skin cloaks and I didn’t know that until I went there.”  - Emily S 





This term, we kicked off our measurement unit with plenty of hands-on activities. To tie in with the excitement of the Olympics, in partners the students randomly selected a country to represent. We then went outside to see which country could achieve the furthest combined jumping distance. Using string and metre rulers, students measured their jumps. Everyone had a fantastic time testing their jumping abilities and honing their measurement skills.


Next, we estimated how many millilitres or litres of water different containers could hold and then used measuring cups to see how accurate our guesses were. Fortunately, we had a lovely sunny day and managed to stay mostly dry!



Shae Glass, Carina Rogers, Stephanie Spitzer & Corey Posner

Year 3 Teachers