Principal's Report

Rohan Cooper

Welcome to our second newsletter of this term and an opportunity to talk about our second new value, Respect. 


When we first began this process of defining new values for the school, our staff highlighted the importance of respect and the integral role that it plays in a constructive classroom and, more broadly, in a thriving school. 


To me, respect and relationships go together. I believe that to build a positive and constructive relationship, mutual respect must be non-negotiable. A relationship grounded in respect will sustain and prosper, even in times of great challenge. 


In a school, respect is the foundation upon which we work. Our classroom ‘essential agreements’ commonly expand on the notion of respect, unpacking what respect looks like in the classroom. A strong essential agreement centres the behaviours and expectations we set for the students at our school.


The classroom essential agreements will often look at respect in multiple ways:

  1. Self-respect.
  2. Respect between students.
  3. Respect between students and staff.
  4. Respect for property and belongings. 


Each of these layers are critical to creating a classroom environment that sets a positive climate for learning. When respect is being shown in multiple ways, learning and wellbeing are optimised. 


Respectful interactions between our staff, students, families and the broader community are critical. Georgia and I value our time spent on the gates each morning and afternoon, greeting students and families, asking how they are and always receiving a kind, “and how are you?” in return. The act of a simple greeting and check-in contribute significantly to the respectful relationships in our community. 


Across this week and next, the focus in our classrooms has been on the value of respect. If you have seen any great examples of our students showing respect outside of our classrooms, please send me an email and I will give the student involved a shoutout at assembly!


Thanks for your ongoing support and keep doing your best.


Rohan Cooper
