Assistant Principal's Report

Mitch Harris

The Role of Staff

Home Group Teacher

The role of the Home Group Teacher is vital in supporting the wellbeing of our students. They act as the first point of contact each day, providing consistency and an avenue to discuss worries at school. Home Group Teachers are dedicated to facilitating opportunities for students to create a supportive environment where each person feels safe and valued. They also monitor student progress, attendance, and are available to families to address any concerns that may arise.


Leading Teacher

The Leading Teacher is essential in shaping and implementing our school wellbeing programs. They ensure that our school's values and expectations are explicitly taught and offer students opportunities to rectify behaviours that have caused others concern. They also facilitate professional development for staff, ensuring that our teachers are equipped with consistent strategies and tools to assist the school to improve student experiences.

The Leading Teacher will also facilitate the development of Individual Education Plans and Behaviour Support Plans that assist staff to make appropriate accommodations for learning and classroom environments.

Learning Mindset

At our school, we believe that fostering a growth mindset is key to becoming a great learner, alongside the values of Respect, Kindness and Confidence. This involves embracing challenges, persisting through difficulties, and understanding that effort leads to improvement.

We encourage our students to:

  • Embrace Mistakes: Mistakes are valuable learning opportunities. They help us understand what we need to improve and develop resilience.
  • Set Goals: Setting specific, achievable goals gives direction and purpose to learning. It also includes the staff in the learning process for students.
  • Stay Curious: A curious mind is always open to new information and experiences.
  • Seek Feedback: Teachers are eager to provide constructive feedback that helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

By establishing these habits and attitudes, our students will develop the confidence and skills they need to succeed both in and out of the classroom.



Arriving at school on time and regular school attendance are critical to a student’s academic success and overall wellbeing. Arriving on time ensures that students start their day with their peers, receiving all the necessary information and instructions from the beginning. It also helps in:

  • Building Routine: Consistent attendance helps students develop a structured routine.
  • Maximising Learning Opportunities: Every lesson counts. Missing classes can lead to gaps in knowledge and understanding, making it harder for students to keep up with their peers.
  • Fostering Responsibility: Being on time teaches students the importance of responsibility and time management, skills that are essential in all areas of life.

We ask for your support in ensuring that your child arrives at school on time each day and maintains regular attendance. Together, we can create a positive and productive learning environment for all our students.