From the Principal

It has been another busy week at STM, full of fun activities for the students, staff and families. I thank all the families for engaging with the Learning Expo, I hope you enjoyed the experience. We have lots of events and activities coming up so please keep your eyes peeled for SchoolStreams and Operoo forms as they come through. Over the past 7 days you should have received (via Operoo) permission forms for both the School Disco and also School swimming at Monbulk Pool. Please complete these forms and relevant tasks ASAP as it helps with planning.
I am sure like many people in the community have marvelled at the efforts of our Australian athletes in Paris. The determination and perseverance they have shown to achieve the amazing results has been inspiring. We are so proud of all of the medallists, but we also need to recognise how hard all the of athletes have worked. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.
Today we celebrate St Mary of the Cross Mackillop, Australia's first and only Saint. St Mary Mackillop played a huge role in the early development of Catholic Education in Australia. She also is the owner of perhaps one of my favourite Quotes of all time "Never see a need without doing something about it". This statement is something as a Catholic community we can all strive to adhere to as we Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus.
Just a note for parents that I will be absent from school from tomorrow (9th of August) until Thursday (15th of August) as I have a mixture of meetings, conference and family appointments that I need to attend. Danielle George will be assuming the role of Acting Principal and will be supported by our other school leaders. Just a reminder for families that the school will be closed on Friday, August 16th. The teaching staff have a professional learning day in Braybrook.
Please note the Camp Quality Puppet Show has been rescheduled to Monday, August 12th due to some staff illnesses on their part.
Families are invited to join us for a whole school mass at 9am on Thursday 15th of August.
MACSSIS Survey information:
Learning Expo:
A huge thank you to the families that came and supported our first ever Learning Expo. It was a wonderful evening and it seemed from walking around the school that everyone had a great time. It was nice to see the students showcasing some of the awesome learning that happens here at STM on a daily basis. Hopefully this is an event that can become a regular part of our calendar. Please feel free to provide some feedback using the link below.
Green and Gold Day:
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie... Oi, Oi, Oi
Our school was full of Green and Gold on Wednesday as we celebrated our wonderful athletes representing our country at the Paris Games.
STM Mini Olympics:
We had an amazing day today celebrating the STM Mini Olympics. I will invite the sports leaders to provide a full write up for the newsletter next week. Please see a few photos below from the Opening Ceremony.
Diary designs for 2025!
Please see below the wonderful work done by our Art Leaders as we work to finalise our 2025 student and staff diaries. The teachers and students will vote on both the front cover and back cover for next years edition.
Bunnings BBQ:
Thank you so much to the families who donated their time on Saturday at our Bunnings BBQ. It was a cold day but thankfully the rain stayed away. Thanks to the Parents and Friends and also school admin officer Tarnia Hiosan for all the work behind the scenes to make the day a success.
School Disco:
Thursday 15th of August. Please note the following day is not a school day as the school is closed! More information (including packages) has been shared via Operoo. If you can please approve or decline the Operoo by the end of the weekend, that will give us an idea of numbers.
STM Swimming Program:
Please complete the QR code below for your child's swimming ability.
More information has been shared about swimming via Operoo and SchoolStream.
Inform and Empower: STM webinar:
Dear families,
The school has paid for the following event at the request of many families. Please register via the QR code below.
Eggs for Sale
We are finally able to put our chicken eggs up for sale. The money we receive from the eggs is being used to purchase pellets and seed for the chickens. Eggs are $7.00 per dozen, if you would like to make a purchase please contact Tarnia Hiosan in the office.
Lunch Orders - Mondays:
Subway Vermont South and Canteen Hub are very pleased to be able to offer the Subs For Your School Lunch Program.
- Every Monday
- Place your order by 4:30 pm Sunday - the day before
- If you are using a VPN please select Australia
- Please register at
- Select St Thomas More Primary School
- If you need to cancel your order this can be done via under your profile up to the order cut-off time.
- Need help please email
Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge:
If your child is interested in joining the Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge, please let our school Library technician and LSO, Lisa Norris know.
Lisa can be contacted on
Thank you and God bless