Ms Brea Terris

Dear Families, 


Welcome back to Term 3. It is nice to see the sun out today. 

We had our first assembly of Term 3 today and I would like to say well done to P/1K who sang 'I can sing a rainbow' in Auslan. It was  amazing to watch. 


Teachers have been speaking to students about the importance of wearing school uniform. Please ensure students have black pants on with their school t-shirts and jumpers. 

Students can wear jackets and beanies outside, but will be asked to take them off in the classrooms. Thank you for your support with this. 



Welcome back to Jamie Coote. 

Jamie was at SHNPS in 2022 and has returned as the classroom teacher for 1/2S. It is lovely to have Jamie back with us and I know the students are enjoying having her as their classroom teacher. 


Ellen Brose is working in 3/4K whilst Miss Kelly is on leave. It has been great having Ellen join our staff. 


2025 Enrolments

If you know any families who are looking at enrolling at SHNPS, please encourage them to make a time and visit our school. We invite prospective families to tour the school during learning time to showcase the great learning we do here at SHNPS. A reminder that enrolment applications for families are due by the 26th July. 


School Council 

Our School Council is seeking enthusiastic parent representatives to join our team.  School Council is our governing body which makes important decisions at the school. If you are interested in being part of the Council please contact Brea.

Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews 

The date for Term 3 Student, Parent and Teacher interviews is 13th August. Interviews will run from 1pm - 6pm. Students are only required to attend the time of their interview on this day. Please note 3/4K will not be having interviews on this date. 


Have a lovely weekend. 


Kind Regards
